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top190520 [2019/05/20 07:40]
top190520 [2019/05/21 14:35] (当前版本)
行 1: 行 1:
 #### 今日推荐:RISC-V在FPGA系统上的移植和功能演示扩展板 #### 今日推荐:RISC-V在FPGA系统上的移植和功能演示扩展板
 --- ---
行 92: 行 90:
 #### 实施计划:  ​ #### 实施计划:  ​
-### 项目实施 
-#### PCB设计  ​ 
-  ​ 
-#### PCB制造 ​   
-  ​ 
-#### PCB焊接、调试 
-#### FPGA连接和Verilog编程 
-#### 系统测试 
 ### 项目答辩 ### 项目答辩
行 151: 行 139:
 ...更新中...  ​ ...更新中...  ​
- #### 设计文件 
-1.PCB版本1:  ​ 
-郭子钰:[[https://​pan.baidu.com/​s/​1XnYNHuOvZgiECSqdgCkS5w |原理图+PCB 提取码5n4p]],{{:​undefined:​demo9_key_debounce.zip|flash验证代码}} ​   ​ 
-PCB版本2:  ​ 
-卢凯丽:原理图 ​ {{:​task3_5_13.pdf|}} ​   
-2.  ​+#### 设计文件 
 +  * PCB版本1:郭子钰:[[https://​pan.baidu.com/​s/​1XnYNHuOvZgiECSqdgCkS5w |原理图+PCB 提取码5n4p]],{{:​undefined:​demo9_key_debounce.zip|flash验证代码}} 
 +  * PCB版本2:卢凯丽:原理图 ​ {{:​task3_5_13.pdf|}}
行 171: 行 156:
 --- ---
 #### 学习顺序 #### 学习顺序
   - 熟悉Intel Cyclone FPGA、Quartus Prime软件(Lattice MXO2 FPGA、Diamond软件)及FPGA设计流程   - 熟悉Intel Cyclone FPGA、Quartus Prime软件(Lattice MXO2 FPGA、Diamond软件)及FPGA设计流程
行 179: 行 165:
   - 尝试修改Reindeer Arduino IDE固件并测试   - 尝试修改Reindeer Arduino IDE固件并测试
   - 分工:   - 分工:
-  ​* RISC-V的验证和仿真的改进 +    ​* RISC-V的验证和仿真的改进 
-  * 设计基于STEP CYC10的功能扩展板以演示RISC-V系统 +    * 设计基于STEP CYC10的功能扩展板以演示RISC-V系统 
-  * sketch for DRAM test +    * sketch for DRAM test 
-  * Makefile for RISC-V ​ +    * Makefile for RISC-V
-#### FPGA+#### FPGA相关资源
 ##### 硬件平台 ##### 硬件平台
行 193: 行 179:
 ##### 参考文档 ##### 参考文档
- - [1]   ​Intel Cyclone 10 LP Device Overview (C10LP51001),​ Intel Corporation,​ 05/​08/​2017 +  ​RISC-V 
- - [2]   Intel Cyclone 10 LP Device Datasheet (C10LP51002),​ Intel Corporation,​ 05/​07/​2018 +    - Reindeer RISC-V CPU软核[[https://​github.com/​PulseRain/​Reindeer|Reindeer]]及[[https://​github.com/​PulseRain/​Reindeer_Step|Reindeer_Step]] 
- - [3]   Intel Cyclone 10 LP Core Fabric and General Purpose I/Os Handbook (C10LP51003),​ Intel Corporation,​ 01/​24/​2019 +    - RISC-V from Wikipedia (https://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​RISC-V) 
- - [4]   ​UltraFast High-Level Productivity Design Methodology Guide, UG1197 (v2018.3) , Xilinx Inc., December 5, 2018 +    - JEDEC from Wikipedia (https://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​JEDEC) 
- - [5]   ​Building Embedded Systems, Programmable Hardware, Changyi Gu, Apress Media LLC, 02/2016 +  ​* ​Reindeer RISC-V CPU移植 
- - [6]   ​Synchronous Resets? Asynchronous Resets? I am so confused! How will I ever know which to use?, Clifford E. Cummings and Don Mills, SNUG (Synopsys Users Group) San Jose, 2002 +    - [[http://​www.stepfpga.com/​doc/​reindeer_step|在小脚丫FPGA板上玩转开源农场(FARM)——FPGA+Arduino+RISC-V+Make]] 
- - [7]   ​Asynchronous & Synchronous Reset Design Techniques - Part Deux, Clifford E. Cummings, Don Mills, Steve Golson, SNUG Boston 2003 +    - [[http://​www.stepfpga.com/​doc/​fpga_arduino_8051|基于FPGA使用Arduino编程的8051软核FP51-1T]]
- - [8]   A Review on Clock Gating Methodologies for power minimization in VLSI circuits, Harpreet Singh1, Dr. Sukhwinder Singh, International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) – Volume-2, Issue-1, January 2016 +
- - [9]   ​Crossing the abyss: asynchronous signals in a synchronous world, By Mike Stein, Paradigm Works, EDN Magazine, Jul 24, 2003 +
- - [10]  Keep metastability from killing your digital design, by Debora Grosse, Unisys, EDN Magazine, June 23, 1994 +
- - [11]  Practical design for transferring signals between clock domains, By Michael Crews and Yong Yuenyongsgool,​ Philips Semiconductors,​ EDN Magazine, Feb 20, 2003 +
- - [12]  Simulation and Synthesis Techniques for Asynchronous FIFO Design, Rev 1.2, Clifford E. Cummings, Sunburst Design, Inc., SNUG (Synopsys User Group Conference),​ San Jose, 2002 +
- - [13]  CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits - Analysis and Design (3rd Edition), Sung-Mo Kang, Yusuf Leblebici, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2003 +
- - [14]  Intel 8080 Microcomputer Systems user's Manual, Sep 1975 +
- - [15]  MC6800 8-bit Microprocessing Unit (MPU), Motorola Semiconductor Products Inc. 1984 +
- - [16]  M6800 Programming Reference Manual 1st Edition, Motorola, Inc. 1976 +
- - [17]  Verilog Digital Computer Design - Algorithms into Hardware, Mark Gordon Arnold, University of Wyoming, Prentice Hall PTR, 1999 +
- +
-#### RISC-V +
- +
- - Reindeer RISC-V CPU软核[[https://​github.com/​PulseRain/​Reindeer|Reindeer]]及[[https://​github.com/​PulseRain/​Reindeer_Step|Reindeer_Step]] +
- ​- ​[1]   RISC-V from Wikipedia (https://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​RISC-V) +
- ​- ​[12]  ​JEDEC from Wikipedia (https://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​JEDEC) +
- +
-#### Reindeer RISC-V CPU移植 +
- +
- - [[http://​www.stepfpga.com/​doc/​reindeer_step|在小脚丫FPGA板上玩转开源农场(FARM)——FPGA+Arduino+RISC-V+Make]] +
- - [[http://​www.stepfpga.com/​doc/​fpga_arduino_8051|基于FPGA使用Arduino编程的8051软核FP51-1T]] +