Thread是基于802.15.4的一种无线通信技术规范,适用于物联网特别是智能家居自动化设备之间的互联。Tread通过 6LoWPAN 技术支持 IPv6,无须支付技术专利费。Thread 可支持 250 个以上设备同时联网,能够覆盖到家中所有的灯泡、开关、传感器和智能设备。优化了功耗,超低能耗,设备可以运行数年。

Tread工作组联盟成立与2014年7月,现在已经加入联盟的公司包括Nest Labs(谷歌的子公司)、三星、ARM、高通、恩智浦、Silicon Labs、Big Ass方案公司、Somfy、欧司朗、泰科等。

Thread is an IPv6-based, closed-documentation (paid membership required for access to specifications) royalty-free networking protocol for Internet of Things (IoT) “smart” home automation devices to communicate on a local wireless mesh network.

Thread is an IPv6-based, closed-documentation (paid membership required for access to specifications) royalty-free networking protocol for Internet of Things (IoT) “smart” home automation devices to communicate on a local wireless mesh network.

In July 2014, the “Thread Group” alliance was announced, which today is a working group with the companies Nest Labs (a subsidiary of Alphabet/Google), Samsung, ARM Holdings, Qualcomm, NXP Semiconductors/Freescale, Silicon Labs, Big Ass Solutions, Somfy, OSRAM, Tyco International, and the lock company Yale in an attempt to have Thread become the industry standard by providing Thread certification for products.

Thread uses 6LoWPAN, which in turn uses the IEEE 802.15.4 wireless protocol with mesh communication, as does ZigBee and other systems. Thread however is IP-addressable, with cloud access and AES encryption. It currently supports up to 250 devices in one local network mesh.

An “AS IS” BSD licensed free and open-source implementation of Thread (called “OpenThread”) has also been released by Nest.

Competing IoT protocols

Other competing Internet of Things (IoT) protocols currently already in wide use globally include ZigBee, Z-Wave, and Bluetooth LE (also known as Bluetooth Smart).[7]