来自Maker Pi
# This code reads the distance using HC-SR04P (3-5V) ultrasonic sensor # via default (trig-echo) mode and print out on serial. # --- # Connection: TRIG = GP3, ECHO = GP2 # --- # Hardware: # 1. Cytron Maker Pi RP2040 (www.cytron.io/p-MAKER-PI-RP2040) # - Any RP2040 boards should work too. # 2. HC-SR04P (3-5V) ultrasonic (www.cytron.io/p-SN-HC-SR04P) # --- from machine import Pin import utime trigger = Pin(3, Pin.OUT) echo = Pin(2, Pin.IN) distance = 0 def ultrasound(): global distance trigger.low() utime.sleep_us(2) trigger.high() utime.sleep_us(5) trigger.low() while echo.value() == 0: signaloff = utime.ticks_us() while echo.value() == 1: signalon = utime.ticks_us() timepassed = signalon - signaloff distance = (timepassed * 0.0343) / 2 while True: ultrasound() print("Distance = ", distance, "cm") utime.sleep(0.5)
# This code reads the distance using HC-SR04P (3-5V) ultrasonic sensor # via I2C mode and print out the distance on serial. This ultrasound sensor # uses RCWL-9600 IC and support default (trig-echo), I2C and UART modes. # --- # Modification: Solder a 10kOhm resistor across R4 pads at the bottom layer # of the sensor to enable I2C mode. # --- # Connection: I2C1, SCL1 = GP3, SDA1 = GP2 # --- # Hardware: # 1. Cytron Maker Pi RP2040 (www.cytron.io/p-MAKER-PI-RP2040) # - Any RP2040 boards should work too. # 2. HC-SR04P (3-5V) ultrasonic (www.cytron.io/p-SN-HC-SR04P) # --- import machine import utime # init i2c1 at frequency 120kHz. i2c = machine.I2C(1, scl=machine.Pin(3), sda=machine.Pin(2), freq=120000) device_addr = 0x57 utime.sleep_ms(100) while True: # write 0x01 to start ultrasound sensor i2c.writeto(device_addr, b'\x01') utime.sleep_ms(300) # read 3 bytes from ultrasound sensor data = bytearray(3) i2c.readfrom_into(device_addr, data) # convert to distance in cm distance = ((data[0]<<16)+(data[1]<<8)+data[2])/1000 print(distance) utime.sleep_ms(200)