

from machine import Pin, ADC
import utime
xAxis = ADC(Pin(27))
yAxis = ADC(Pin(26))
button = Pin(16,Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
while True:
    xValue = xAxis.read_u16()
    yValue = yAxis.read_u16()
    buttonValue = button.value()
    xStatus = "middle"
    yStatus = "middle"
    buttonStatus = "not pressed"
    if xValue <= 600:
        xStatus = "left"
    elif xValue >= 60000:
        xStatus = "right"
    if yValue <= 600:
        yStatus = "up"
    elif yValue >= 60000:
        yStatus = "down"
    if buttonValue == 0:
        buttonStatus = "pressed"
    print("X: " + xStatus + ", Y: " + yStatus + " -- button " + buttonStatus)

另外一段在ESP32上的代码, 针对Pico需要做管脚的调整: 来自:MicroPython/esp32/joystick.py

import machine
#NOTE: For button, Pin 34 didn't work, but pin 32 did.  Don't know what the difference is but not all pins work.
class joystick(object) :
  _x_center = 1789.0
  _y_center = 1817.0
  _pos_x = 4095.0 - _x_center
  _pos_y = 4095.0 - _y_center
  def __init__( self, aX, aY, aButton ) :
    self._jx = machine.ADC(machine.Pin(aX))
    self._jy = machine.ADC(machine.Pin(aY))
    #Must be pull up.  Pull down doesn't register change.
    self._js = machine.Pin(aButton, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP)
    self._x = 0.0
    self._y = 0.0
    self._button = False
    self._index = 0
    self._xA = [0, 0, 0]
    self._yA = [0, 0, 0]
  def x( self ) :
    '''Return value from -1.0 to 1.0.'''
    return self._x
  def y( self ) :
    '''Return value from -1.0 to 1.0.'''
    return self._y
  def button( self ) :
    '''return True or False.'''
    return self._button
  def update( self ) :
    self._xA[self._index] = self._jx.read()
    self._yA[self._index] = self._jy.read()
    self._index += 1
    if self._index >= 3 :
      self._index = 0
    rx = float(sum(self._xA)) / 3.0 - joystick._x_center
    ry = float(sum(self._yA)) / 3.0 - joystick._y_center
    dx = joystick._pos_x if rx >= 0 else joystick._x_center
    dy = joystick._pos_y if ry >= 0 else joystick._y_center
    self._x = rx / dx
    self._y = ry / dy
    #Value is 1 when not pressed and 0 when pressed.
    self._button = not self._js.value()