



This block includes all power monitoring and control circuitry, internal power supplies, and user power supplies.

1. USB供电控制

As shown in Fig. 23, the Analog Discovery 2's power can be supplied either from the USB port (VBUS) or from an external power supply (J4 connector).

Figure 23. USB power control. figure_23._usb_power_control

The external power input is protected against reverse voltage; Q4 turns OFF if a floating power supply with negative polarity on central pin of J4 is used. However, the device is not protected for a very unlikely use case:

In this case, the external EARTH loop acts as a shortcut of Q4.

ADCMP671 is a window comparator with the following features:

IC48 drives PWRGD output HIGH (turning IC26 ON) when Vext is in the range:

$$4.11V=400mV \cdot \frac {R_{248} + R_{249}+R_{273}}{R_{249} + R_{273}} < V_{ext} < 400mV \cdot \frac {R_{248} + R_{249} + R_{273}}{R_{273}}=5.76V\label{45}\tag{45}$$

The Analog Discovery 2 exhibits two main powering modes: USB and External. Temporary modes (Racing OFF, USB OFF and Racing) are explained here for design clarifications, but have no importance for the user observed behavior.

If external Power Supply is attached after WaveForms started and runs several instruments, the device steps seamlessly trough USB → Racing → External modes. Running instruments are not affected, except User Supplies get more available power.

However, removing the external power supply during External mode is not seamless. Only the USB controller keeps working (as supplied from the USB port). The FPGA gets unpowered and loses configuration data. The device stops all the instruments, EN_VBUS go HiZ, which leads to the USB OFF mode. WaveForms will prompt the user to select the device, which will re-program the FPGA. All the instruments can then be run, in the USB mode.

An ADM1177 Hot Swap Controller and Digital Power Monitor with Soft Start Pin is used to provide USB power compliance during USB and Racing modes (IC21 in Fig. 23).

Remarkable ADM1177 features are:

When enabled, (in USB or Racing modes), IC21 limits the current consumed from the USB port to:

$${I_{limit}} = \frac{{100mV}}{{{R_{173}}}} = \frac{{100mV}}{{0.1\Omega }} = 1A\label{46}\tag{46}$$

For a maximum time of:

$$t_{fault}=21.7 \left[ ms / \mu F \right] \cdot C_{80}=21.7 \left[ ms / \mu F \right] \cdot 0.47\mu F =10.2ms\label{47}\tag{47}$$

If the consumed current does not fall below ${I_{limit}}$ before ${t_{fault}}$, IC21 turns off Q2A. A hot swap retry is initiated after:

$$t_{cool}=550 \left[ ms / \mu F \right] \cdot C_{80} = 550 \left[ \frac{ms}{\mu F} \right] \cdot 0.47 \mu F = 258.5ms\label{48}\tag{48}$$

To avoid high inrush currents at hot swap, Soft Start circuitry limits the current slope to:

$$\frac {dI_{limit}}{dt} = \frac {10 \mu A}{C_{81}} \cdot \frac {1}{10 \cdot R_{173}} =212 \frac {mA}{ms} \label{49}\tag{49}$$

If the current drops below $\;{I_{limit}}$ before ${t_{fault}}$, normal operation begins.

Similarly, IC26 (in Racing or External modes), limits the current consumed from the external power supply to:

$${I_{limit}} = \frac {100mV}{R_{247}} = \frac {100mV}{0.036 \Omega} = 2.78A\label{50}\tag{50}$$

${t_{fault}}$ and ${t_{cool}}$ are same as for IC21, and the current slope limit is:

$$\frac {dI_{limit}}{dt} = \frac{10\mu A}{C_{432}} \cdot \frac{1}{10 \cdot R_{247}}=591 \frac{mA}{ms}\label{51}\tag{51}$$

The Analog Discovery 2 user pins are overvoltage protected. Overvoltage (or ESD) diodes short when a user pin is overdriven by the external circuitry (Circuit Under Test), back powering the input/output block and all the circuits sharing the same internal power supply. If the back-powered energy is higher than the used energy, the bi-directional power supply recovers the difference and delivers it to the previous node in the power chain. Eventually, the back-powering energy could arrive to the USB VBUS, raising the voltage above the 5V nominal value. D28 in Fig. 23 protects the PC USB port against such a situation.

2. 模拟电路供电控制

During USB mode, the FPGA constantly reads from IC21 the current value through R173. (Optionally displayed on Main Window/Discovery or Status button). A warning is generated when exceeding 500mA (Status: OC = Over Current). If a value of 600mA is reached and Overcurrent protection is enabled (MainWindow/Device/Settings/Overcurrent protection), WaveForms turns off IC20 (ADP197) shown in Fig. 24 and IC27 shown Fig. 25, disabling the analog blocks and user power supplies.

ADP197 main features:

Figure 24. Analog Supplies control. figure_24._analog_supplies_control

3. 用户供电控制

IC27 in Fig. 25 controls the power available for the user supplies. ADM1270 was selected for its main features:

Figure 25. User supplies control. figure_25._user_supplies_control

IC27 limits the current consumed by both user power supplies together. The WaveForms software commands the FPGA to change the limit, depending on the power mode.

During USB and Racing modes, SETILIMUSR pin is driven LOW by the FPGA. The voltage at the ISET pin of IC27 is:

$${V_{Iset}} = \frac{{\frac{{{V_{cap}}}}{{{R_{253}}}}}}{{\frac{1}{{{R_{253}}}} + \frac{1}{{{R_{254}}}} + \frac{1}{{{R_{255}}}}}} = \frac{{\frac{{3.6V}}{{10k\Omega }}}}{{\frac{1}{{10k\Omega }} + \frac{1}{{1.74k\Omega }} + \frac{1}{{22.6k\Omega }}}} = 0.5V\label{52}\tag{52}$$

The current limit is set to:

$$I_{limit}= \frac{V_{Iset}}{40 \cdot R_{21}} = \frac{0.5V}{40 \cdot 0.043 \Omega} = 290mA\label{53}\tag{53}$$

During External and OFF modes, SETILIMUSR pin is driven HiZ by the FPGA. The voltage at the ISET pin of IC27 is:

$$V_{Iset}= \frac {V_{cap} \cdot R_{255}}{R_{253} + R_{255}} = \frac{3.6V \cdot 22.6k \Omega }{10k \Omega + 22.6k \Omega} = 2.5V\label{54}\tag{54}$$

The current limit is set to:

$$I_{limit}= \frac {V_{Iset}}{40 \cdot R_{21}} = \frac {2.5V}{40 \cdot 0.043 \Omega} = 1.45A\label{55}\tag{55}$$

In both cases, ${I_{limit}}$ is allowed for a maximum time of:

$$t_{fault}=21.7 \left[ ms / \mu F \right] \cdot C_{170} = 21.7 \left[ ms / \mu F \right] \cdot 4.7 \mu F = 102ms\label{56}\tag{56}$$

If the consumed current does not fall below ${I_{limit}}$ before ${t_{fault}}$, IC21 turns off Q2. A hot swap retry is initiated after:

$$t_{cool}=550 \left[ ms / \mu F \right] \cdot C_{80} = 550 \left[ ms / \mu F \right] \cdot 4.7 \mu F = 2.585s\label{57}\tag{57}$$

Soft Start is not used; C183 is a No Load.

If the current drops below ${I_{limit}}$ before ${t_{fault}}$, normal operation begins.

The current limited by equations \ref{53} and \ref{55} is shared by both positive and negative user power supplies. After considering the efficiency of the user supply stages, about 100mA is available for user in both supplies together, in USB Only mode. In External mode, the current/power limit for user is set in the User Voltage Supplies, as explained below.

4. 用户供电电压

The user power supplies (Fig. 26) use ADP1612 Switching Converter in Buck-Boost DC-to-DC topology. Main features:

Figure 26. User power supplies. figure_26._user_power_supplies

Since the op amps are included in negative feedback loops, the input pins voltages are equal:

$${V_{ + IC46A}} = \frac{{\frac{{{V_{OUT + \_USR}}}}{{{R_{188}}}} + \frac{{{V_{SET + \_USR}}}}{{{R_{193}}}}}}{{\frac{1}{{{R_{188}}}} + \frac{1}{{{R_{193}}}}}} = {V_{ - IC46A}} = \frac{{\frac{{{V_{FB}}}}{{{R_{266}}}}}}{{\frac{1}{{{R_{265}}}} + \frac{1}{{{R_{266}}}}}}\label{58}\tag{58}$$

$${V_{ + IC46B}} = \frac{{\frac{{{V_{OUT - \_USR}}}}{{{R_{187}}}} + \frac{{{V_{FB}}}}{{{R_{270}}}}}}{{\frac{1}{{{R_{187}}}} + \frac{1}{{{R_{270}}}}}} = {V_{ - IC46B}} = \frac{{\frac{{{V_{SET - \_USR}}}}{{{R_{190}}}}}}{{\frac{1}{{{R_{72}}}} + \frac{1}{{{R_{190}}}}}}\label{59}\tag{59}$$

The input impedances for the op amps are matched:

$$\frac{1}{{{R_{188}}}} + \frac{1}{{{R_{193}}}} = \frac{1}{{{R_{265}}}} + \frac{1}{{{R_{266}}}}\label{60}\tag{60}$$

$$\frac{1}{{{R_{187}}}} + \frac{1}{{{R_{270}}}} = \frac{1}{{{R_{72}}}} + \frac{1}{{{R_{190}}}}\label{61}\tag{61}$$

The user voltages are:

$$V_{OUT\;+\_USR}=V_{FB} \cdot \frac{R_{188}}{R_{266}} - V_{SET\;+\_USR} \cdot \frac{R_{188}}{R_{193}}=5.33V-4.87 \cdot V_{SET\;+\_USR}\label{62}\tag{62}$$

$$V_{OUT\;-\_USR}=-V_{FB} \cdot \frac{R_{187}}{R_{270}} + V_{SET\;-\_USR} \cdot \frac{R_{187}}{R_{190}}=-5.33V+4.87 \cdot V_{SET\;-\_USR}\label{63}\tag{63}$$


$${V_{FB}} = 1.235V\;typical\label{64}\tag{64}$$

IC43 (Fig. 18) generates the setting voltages in the range:

$$0 < V_{SET + \_USR},\; V_{SET - \_USR} < 1.2V\label{65}\tag{65}$$

Which would allow output voltages to be set in the ranges:

$$ - 0.51V \le {V_{SET + \_USR}} < 5.33V\label{66}\tag{66}$$

$$0.51V \ge \; V_{SET - \_USR} > - 5.33V\label{67}\tag{67}$$

The margins allow for compensating the components’ tolerances. After calibration, the WaveForms SW only allows the ranges 0 to +/-5V respectively. Even so, output voltages below absolute value of 0.5V are not guaranteed. With light loads, such voltages might exhibit significant ripple (~15mV).

Each supply can be disabled by the FPGA.

5. 内部供电

5.1. 模拟电路供电

Analog supplies need to have very low ripple to prevent noise from coupling into analog signals. Ferrite beads are used to filter the remaining switching noise and to separate the power supplies that go to the main analog circuit blocks, to avoid crosstalk.

The 3.3V (Fig. 27) and 1.8V Fig. 28 analog power supplies are implemented around an ADP2138 Fixed Output Voltage, 800mA, 3MHz, Step-Down DC-to-DC converter. To insure low output voltage ripple a second LC filter is added and forced PWM mode is selected.

Figure 28. 1.8V internal analog power supply. figure_28._1.8v_internal_analog_power_supply

The -3.3V analog power supply (Fig. 29) is implemented with the ADP2301 Step-Down regulator in an inverting Buck-Boost configuration. See application Note AN-1083: Designing an Inverting Buck Boost Using the ADP2300 and ADP2301. The ADP2301 features:

The Output voltage is set with an external resistor divider from Vout to FB:

$$\frac{{{R_{180}}}}{{{R_{181}}}} = \;\frac{{ - {V_{out}} - {V_{ref}}}}{{{V_{ref}}}}\label{68}\tag{68}$$

Choosing $R_{181} = 10.2k{\text{\Omega }}$:

$$R_{180}= \frac{3.3V-0.8V}{0.8V} \cdot 10.2k \Omega = 31.87k \Omega \label{69}\tag{69}$$

Closest standard value is $R_{180} = 31.6k{\text{\Omega }}$

The 5.5V and -5.5V supplies Fig. 30 are created with a Sepic-Cuk topology, built around a single ADP1612 Step-Up DC-to DC converter. Both Sepic and Cuk converters are connected to the same switching pin of the regulator. Only the positive Sepic output is regulated, while the negative output tracks the positive one. This is an accepted behavior, since similar load currents are expected on both positive and negative rails.

Figure 30. ±5.5V internal analog supplies. figure_30._5.5v_internal_analog_supplies

The output current in a Sepic is discontinuous which results in a higher output ripple. To lower this ripple an additional output filter is added to the positive rail.

For more information see application note: AN-1106: An Improved Topology for Creating Split Rails from a Single Input Voltage.

Setting the Output Voltage:

$$\frac{{{R_{184}}}}{{{R_{185}}}} = \;\frac{{{V_{out}} - {V_{ref}}}}{{{V_{ref}}}}\label{70}\tag{70}$$

Choosing ${R_{185}} = 13.7k\Omega$:

$$R_{184}= \frac{5.5V-1.235V}{1.235V} \cdot 13.7k \Omega = 47.31k \Omega\label{71}\tag{71}$$

Closest standard value is ${R_{184}} = 47.5k\Omega$

5.2. 数字电路供电

The 1V digital supply (Fig. 31) is implemented with the ADP2120-1. It has a fixed 1V output voltage option and a ±1.5% output accuracy which makes it suitable for the FPGA internal power supply. It also features:

The 3.3V digital supply (Fig. 32) uses ADP2503-3.3 600mA, 2.5MHz Buck-Boost DC-to-DC Converter:

The main requirement for the 3.3V digital supply is the reverse current capability. When a user pin is overdriven the protection diode opens and back powers circuitry connected to this supply. If the back powered energy is higher than the used energy the regulator delivers it to its input, preventing the 3.3V from rising.

The 1.8V digital power supply (Fig. 33) is implemented with ADP2138-1.8 Fixed Output Voltage, 800mA, 3MHz, Step-Down DC-to-DC converter. This ensures a very small solution size due to the 3MHz switching frequency and the 1mm × 1.5 mm WLCSP package.

The ADP2138 also features:

6. 温度测量

The Analog Discovery 2 uses the AD7415 Digital Output Temperature Sensor (Fig. 34). AD7415 main features are: