





下面就简单举个例子,演示一下如何绘制差分对, 首先先绘制原理图,这边就直接用两个连接器进行演示,在绘制原理图时需要按照要求用网络标签给网络进行命名,这样布线的时候才能够使用差分线进行绘制,如图,我这边放了5对差分对,都统一用+,-结尾。

















Differential pairs allow you to route two wires at the same time. This capability is useful in those cases where two adjacent wires are complementary and have to be treated as such. By routing the wires together, we can ensure that the travel time of the signal from origin to destination will be practically the same, as well as that they will receive an almost identical amount of interference. Differential pairs are important in applications such as audio, digital singling, data communications (RS-422, Ethernet etc). The technique helps to minimise electromagnetic interference and crosstalk. It also helps to minimise the noise that these wires emit to their environment.

KiCad, apart from allowing to draw differential pairs in the layout, also provides tools to configure them. You can set the total length of the pair, ensuring matching lengths of traces where that is important (like in high- speed memory applications). To enable the differential pair feature in Pcbnew, you need to label the participating nets in Eeschema with names that end with '+' and '-' or with 'N' and 'P'. Let’s have a look at a very simple example, depicted in Figure 44.1. Figure 44.1: The wires that belong to a pair have net names that end with '-' or ‘+’. In this example, I have two connectors, with wires connecting their pins. I have labeled the wires with net labels, and for each pair, the name of the label ends with either '+' or '-'. In place of '-' or '+' I could have used 'P' or 'N'.

When you export the netlist for this schematic and import it into Pcbnew, you will have a layout like the one in Figure 44.2. Figure 44.2: The unconnected layout view. You can route each net using individual routes, or use differential pair routing. To enable differential pair routing, choose this option from the Route menu (Figure 44.3). Figure 44.3: Enable differential pair routing. Then, click on one of the pads to begin drawing. You will see that you are now drawing two traces: one is connected to the pad you clicked on, and the other to its pair (Figure 44.4). Figure 44.4: Started drawing a differential pair. Click on the pad that is highlighted in the J2 connector to complete the drawing. The result is in Figure 44.5.

Figure 44.5: The first differential pair is routed. In the next example, try to route a differential pair but this time add vias, like in Figure 44.6. As you can see, by typing 'V' you create two vias, one for each trace member of the pair. Figure 44.6: The second differential pair is traced in the B.Cu with the help of vias. KiCad allows you to fine-tune the length of a trace. This allows you to control the signal propagation through the trace, precisely. Let’s try this out. Start by clicking on the 'Tune Track Length' option from the Route menu. Then, click on a member trace of one of the differential pairs that you want to tune the length for. This will give you information about the current length of that trace (Figure 44.7). In this example, the trace I clicked on is shorter than the target. Figure 44.7: The current length of this trace is 37.056 mm; the target is 40 mm. To configure the target length, right click on the trace and click on the 'Length Tuning Settings…' option. In the window that comes up, define the track length target. There are other options you can experiment with, that define the characteristics of the meanders that KiCad uses to adjust the trace length. I have changed my target length to 40 mm (Figure 44.8).

Figure 44.8: You can control the characteristics of differential per traces. To adjust a trace so that its length becomes equal to the target, click on a trace to select it and move your mouse to the direction where you want to meanders to appear. KiCad will keep you informed about the current length of the trace. When you reach the target, click to commit the changes. Figure 44.9: Adjusting the length of a differential trace. Repeat the same process for the rest of the differential traces. If the length adjustment is blocked by a via, continue on the other side of the via.

You can tune the length of both traces in a pair at the same time by selecting the 'Tune Differential Pair Length' option from the Route menu.