


本篇部分内容来自网站FPGA滤波器实现的一些项目,源于一位在校学生的学习和设计- 了解并在FPGA上实现几种类型的数字滤波器器,设计的所有滤波器均为15阶滤波器,并使用16位定点数学运算,该学生有一篇PPT可供参考:





`define FILT_LENGTH 16
module FIR_Filter(
    input  clk,
    input  en,
    input  [15:0]din,
    output [15:0]dout
    reg signed [15:0]coeff[`FILT_LENGTH/2-1:0]; //Filter coefficients.
    reg signed [15:0]delay_line[`FILT_LENGTH-1:0]; //Input delay line.
    wire [31:0]accum; //Accumulator for output filter calculation.    
    integer i; //Initialization integer.
    genvar c;  //Delay line generation variable.
    reg signed [16:0]preadd_regs[7:0]; //Save calc after preadd.
    reg signed [31:0]mult_regs[7:0];   //Save calc after multiplication.
    reg signed [31:0]tree1_regs[3:0];  //Save calc after first layer of adder tree.
    reg signed [31:0]tree2_regs[1:0];  //Save calc after first layer of adder tree.
    reg signed [31:0]treeout_reg;      //Save calc after complete.
    //assign dout = treeout_reg[31:16];
    //Calculate value in the accumulator.
    assign accum = (delay_line[0] + delay_line[15]) * coeff[0] +
                   (delay_line[1] + delay_line[14]) * coeff[1] +
                   (delay_line[2] + delay_line[13]) * coeff[2] +
                   (delay_line[3] + delay_line[12]) * coeff[3] +
                   (delay_line[4] + delay_line[11]) * coeff[4] +
                   (delay_line[5] + delay_line[10]) * coeff[5] +
                   (delay_line[6] + delay_line[9])  * coeff[6] +
                   (delay_line[7] + delay_line[8])  * coeff[7];
    //Assign upper 16-bits to output.
    assign dout = accum[31:16];
    initial begin   
        //Load the filter coefficients.
        coeff[0] = 16'd2320;
        coeff[1] = 16'd4143;
        coeff[2] = 16'd4592;
        coeff[3] = 16'd7278;
        coeff[4] = 16'd8423;
        coeff[5] = 16'd10389;
        coeff[6] = 16'd11269;
        coeff[7] = 16'd12000;
        //Initialize delay line.
        for(i = 0; i < `FILT_LENGTH; i = i+1'b1) begin
            delay_line[i] = 16'd0;
        //Initialize the preadder regs.
        for(i = 0; i < 8; i = i+1'b1) begin
            preadd_regs[i] = 17'd0;
        //Initialize the multiplier regs.
        for(i = 0; i < 8; i = i+1'b1) begin
            mult_regs[i] = 32'd0;
        //Initialize the first layer of the adder tree regs.
        for(i = 0; i < 4; i = i+1'b1) begin
            tree1_regs[i] = 32'd0;
        //Initialize the second layer of the adder tree regs.
        for(i = 0; i < 2; i = i+1'b1) begin
            tree2_regs[i] = 32'd0;
        //Initialize the adder tree output reg.
        treeout_reg = 32'd0;
    //Advance the data through the delay line every clock cycle.
        for (c = `FILT_LENGTH-1; c > 0; c = c - 1) begin: inc_delay
            always @(posedge clk) begin
                if(en) delay_line[c] <= delay_line[c-1];
    //Update with input data.
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        if(en) delay_line[0] <= din;

module filter_top(
    input clk,
    input [7:0]sw,
    output [7:0]JA
    wire [15:0]tout; //The output of the tone lookup table.
    wire [15:0]fout; //The output of the FIR filter.
    wire [15:0]mout; //Selected output.
    wire en;         //Clock enble.
    wire clk_out;    //264MHz System clock.
    assign en = 1'b1;
    clk_wiz_0 cw (.clk_in1(clk), .clk_out1(clk_out));
    //clk_en ce(.clk(clk_out), .en(en));
    ToneGen tg(.clk(clk_out), .en(en), .dout(tout));
    FIR_Filter ff(.clk(clk_out), .en(en), .din(tout), .dout(fout));
    //Choose filtered or unfiltered output based on sw0.
    assign mout = sw[0] ? fout : tout;
    //Take only the upper 8 bits and make it unsigned.
    //assign JA = mout[15:8] + 8'd128;
    assign {JA[3:0], JA[7:4]} = mout[15:8] + 8'd128;

`timescale 1ns/1ps
module ToneGen(
    input clk,
    input en,
    output [15:0]dout
    //Tone generation data.  At a 44KHz sampling rate, the lookup table
    //generates a 440Hz and 4.4KHz tone mixed together.
    reg [15:0]tonetbl[99:0];
    //Pointer into the tone table.
    reg [6:0]toneptr = 7'h00;
    initial begin
        tonetbl[0] = 10970;
        tonetbl[1] = 18151;
        tonetbl[2] = 19197;
        tonetbl[3] = 14105;
        tonetbl[4] = 5211;
        tonetbl[5] = -3704;
        tonetbl[6] = -8858;
        tonetbl[7] = -7914;
        tonetbl[8] = -876;
        tonetbl[9] = 9912;
        tonetbl[10] = 20660;
        tonetbl[11] = 27581;
        tonetbl[12] = 28330;
        tonetbl[13] = 22905;
        tonetbl[14] = 13642;
        tonetbl[15] = 4326;
        tonetbl[16] = -1260;
        tonetbl[17] = -780;
        tonetbl[18] = 5767;
        tonetbl[19] = 16037;
        tonetbl[20] = 26244;
        tonetbl[21] = 32601;
        tonetbl[22] = 32767;
        tonetbl[23] = 26741;
        tonetbl[24] = 16863;
        tonetbl[25] = 6918;
        tonetbl[26] = 692;
        tonetbl[27] = 527;
        tonetbl[28] = 6421;
        tonetbl[29] = 16037;
        tonetbl[30] = 25590;
        tonetbl[31] = 31295;
        tonetbl[32] = 30814;
        tonetbl[33] = 24149;
        tonetbl[34] = 13642;
        tonetbl[35] = 3081;
        tonetbl[36] = -3745;
        tonetbl[37] = -4494;
        tonetbl[38] = 837;
        tonetbl[39] = 9912;
        tonetbl[40] = 18947;
        tonetbl[41] = 24161;
        tonetbl[42] = 23217;
        tonetbl[43] = 16119;
        tonetbl[44] = 5211;
        tonetbl[45] = -5718;
        tonetbl[46] = -12878;
        tonetbl[47] = -13924;
        tonetbl[48] = -8853;
        tonetbl[49] = 0;
        tonetbl[50] = 8853;
        tonetbl[51] = 13924;
        tonetbl[52] = 12878;
        tonetbl[53] = 5718;
        tonetbl[54] = -5211;
        tonetbl[55] = -16119;
        tonetbl[56] = -23217;
        tonetbl[57] = -24161;
        tonetbl[58] = -18947;
        tonetbl[59] = -9912;
        tonetbl[60] = -837;
        tonetbl[61] = 4494;
        tonetbl[62] = 3745;
        tonetbl[63] = -3081;
        tonetbl[64] = -13642;
        tonetbl[65] = -24149;
        tonetbl[66] = -30814;
        tonetbl[67] = -31295;
        tonetbl[68] = -25590;
        tonetbl[69] = -16037;
        tonetbl[70] = -6421;
        tonetbl[71] = -527;
        tonetbl[72] = -692;
        tonetbl[73] = -6918;
        tonetbl[74] = -16863;
        tonetbl[75] = -26741;
        tonetbl[76] = -32767;
        tonetbl[77] = -32601;
        tonetbl[78] = -26244;
        tonetbl[79] = -16037;
        tonetbl[80] = -5767;
        tonetbl[81] = 780;
        tonetbl[82] = 1260;
        tonetbl[83] = -4326;
        tonetbl[84] = -13642;
        tonetbl[85] = -22905;
        tonetbl[86] = -28330;
        tonetbl[87] = -27581;
        tonetbl[88] = -20660;
        tonetbl[89] = -9912;
        tonetbl[90] = 876;
        tonetbl[91] = 7914;
        tonetbl[92] = 8858;
        tonetbl[93] = 3704;
        tonetbl[94] = -5211;
        tonetbl[95] = -14105;
        tonetbl[96] = -19197;
        tonetbl[97] = -18151;
        tonetbl[98] = -10970;
        tonetbl[99] = 0;
    //Assign the output to the value in the lookup table
    //pointed to by toneptr.
    assign dout = tonetbl[toneptr];
    //Increment through the tone lookup table and wrap back
    //to zero when at the end.
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        if(en) begin
            if(toneptr == 7'd99) begin
                toneptr <= 7'd0;
            else begin
                toneptr <= toneptr + 1'b1;

module clk_en(
    input clk,
    output reg en = 1'b0
    reg [15:0]en_counter = 16'h0;
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        if(en_counter == 16'd5999) begin
            en_counter <= 16'h0;
            en <= 1'b1;
        else begin
            en_counter <= en_counter + 1'b1;
            en <= 1'b0;

module TB_ToneGen;
    reg clk = 1'b0;
    reg sw0 = 1'b1;
    wire [7:0]JA;
    wire en;    
    //wire [15:0]cout;
    filter_top uut(.clk(clk), .sw({15'h00,sw0}), .JA({JA[3:0], JA[7:4]}));
    assign en = uut.en;
    //assign cout = uut.ce.en_counter;
    //initial begin
    //     #600000 sw0 = 1'b1;
    //100MHz clock
    always #5 clk = ~clk;



module LMS_Adapt(
    input  clk,
    input  en,
    input  [15:0]din,
    input  signed [15:0]desired,
    output signed [15:0]dout,
    output signed [15:0]err
    parameter MU = 16'd32767;
    reg  signed [15:0]mu = MU;
    reg  signed [15:0]coeff[`ADAPT_FILT_LENGTH-1:0]; //Filter coefficients.
    reg  signed [15:0]delay_line[`ADAPT_FILT_LENGTH-1:0]; //Input delay line.
    wire signed [31:0]accum; //Accumulator for output filter calculation.
    wire signed [31:0]stepped; //Error after step sized applied.    
    integer i; //Initialization integer.
    genvar c;  //Delay line generation variable.
    //Calculate the error and multiply it by the step size.
    assign err = desired - dout;   
    //assign stepped = err * mu;
    assign stepped = err << 15;
    //Calculate value in the accumulator.
    assign accum = delay_line[0]*coeff[0] +
                   delay_line[1]*coeff[1] +
                   delay_line[2]*coeff[2] +
                   delay_line[3]*coeff[3] +
                   delay_line[4]*coeff[4] +
                   delay_line[5]*coeff[5] +
                   delay_line[6]*coeff[6] +
                   delay_line[7]*coeff[7] +
                   delay_line[8]*coeff[8] +
                   delay_line[9]*coeff[9] +
                   delay_line[10]*coeff[10] +
                   delay_line[11]*coeff[11] +
                   delay_line[12]*coeff[12] +
                   delay_line[13]*coeff[13] +
                   delay_line[14]*coeff[14] +
    //Assign upper 16-bits to output.
    assign dout = accum[31:16];
    initial begin   
        //Load the filter coefficients.
        coeff[0]  = 20'd0;
        coeff[1]  = 20'd0;
        coeff[2]  = 20'd0;
        coeff[3]  = 20'd0;
        coeff[4]  = 20'd0;
        coeff[5]  = 20'd0;
        coeff[6]  = 20'd0;
        coeff[7]  = 20'd0;
        coeff[8]  = 20'd0;
        coeff[9]  = 20'd0;
        coeff[10] = 20'd0;
        coeff[11] = 20'd0;
        coeff[12] = 20'd0;
        coeff[13] = 20'd0;
        coeff[14] = 20'd0;
        coeff[15] = 20'd0;
        //Initialize delay line.
        for(i = 0; i < `ADAPT_FILT_LENGTH; i = i+1'b1) begin
            delay_line[i] = 16'd0;
    //Advance the data through the delay line every clock cycle.
        for (c = `ADAPT_FILT_LENGTH-1; c > 0; c = c - 1) begin: inc_delay
            always @(posedge clk) begin
                if(en) delay_line[c] <= delay_line[c-1];
    //Update with input data.
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        if(en) delay_line[0] <= din;
    wire signed [31:0]num2[`ADAPT_FILT_LENGTH-1:0];
    wire signed [15:0]n1[`ADAPT_FILT_LENGTH-1:0];
    wire signed [15:0]n2[`ADAPT_FILT_LENGTH-1:0];
    //Update the coefficients with the LMS algorithm.
        for (c = `ADAPT_FILT_LENGTH; c > 0; c = c - 1) begin: adapt_update
            assign n1[c-1] = stepped[31:16];
            assign num2[c-1] = n1[c-1]*delay_line[c-1];
            assign n2[c-1] = num2[c-1][31:16];
            always @(posedge clk) begin
                if(en) coeff[c-1] <= coeff[c-1] + n2[c-1];

module filter_top(
    input clk,
    input [7:0]sw,
    output [7:0]JA
    wire signed [15:0]tout;           //Output of the tone lookup table.
    wire [15:0]fout;                  //Output of the FIR filter.
    wire [15:0]aout;                  //Output of the adaptive filter.
    wire [15:0]err;                   //Adaptive filter error.
    wire [15:0]lfsr_out;              //16-bit Random noise variable.
    wire en;                          //Clock enble.
    wire [9:0]rnd;                    //10-bit noise.
    wire signed [15:0]tone_and_noise; //Combination of tone and noise.
    wire signed [15:0]delay_out;      //Output of the delay line.    
    wire [15:0]mout;                  //Selected desired output.
    wire clk19_8MHz;                  //19.8MHz system clock.
    assign rnd = lfsr_out[15:6];
    assign tone_and_noise = tout + rnd;
    //assign en = 1'b1;
    clk_wiz_0 cw(.clk_in1(clk), .clk_out1(clk19_8MHz), .reset(1'b0));
    ToneGen tg(.clk(clk19_8MHz), .en(en), .dout(tout));
    FIR_Filter ff(.clk(clk19_8MHz), .en(en), .din(tone_and_noise), .dout(fout));
    LMS_Adapt af(.clk(clk19_8MHz), .en(en), .din(tone_and_noise), .desired(mout), .dout(aout), .err(err));
    lfsr sr(.clk(clk19_8MHz), .en(en), .lfsr_out(lfsr_out));
    clk_en ce(.clk(clk19_8MHz), .en(en));
    //Choose filtered or unfiltered output based on sw0.
    assign mout = sw[0] ? fout : tone_and_noise;//delay_out;
    //Take only the upper 8 bits and make it unsigned.
    assign {JA[3:0], JA[7:4]} = aout[15:8] + 8'd128;
    //assign JA[7:0] = aout[15:8] + 8'd128;
    //assign {JA[3:0], JA[7:4]} = sw[7:0];   

`timescale 1ns/1ps
module ToneGen(
    input clk,
    input en,
    output [15:0]dout
    //Tone generation data.  At a 44KHz sampling rate, the lookup table
    //generates a 440Hz and 4.4KHz tone mixed together.
    reg [15:0]tonetbl[99:0];
    //Pointer into the tone table.
    reg [6:0]toneptr = 7'h00;
    initial begin
        tonetbl[0] = 10970;
        tonetbl[1] = 18151;
        tonetbl[2] = 19197;
        tonetbl[3] = 14105;
        tonetbl[4] = 5211;
        tonetbl[5] = -3704;
        tonetbl[6] = -8858;
        tonetbl[7] = -7914;
        tonetbl[8] = -876;
        tonetbl[9] = 9912;
        tonetbl[10] = 20660;
        tonetbl[11] = 27581;
        tonetbl[12] = 28330;
        tonetbl[13] = 22905;
        tonetbl[14] = 13642;
        tonetbl[15] = 4326;
        tonetbl[16] = -1260;
        tonetbl[17] = -780;
        tonetbl[18] = 5767;
        tonetbl[19] = 16037;
        tonetbl[20] = 26244;
        tonetbl[21] = 32601;
        tonetbl[22] = 32767;
        tonetbl[23] = 26741;
        tonetbl[24] = 16863;
        tonetbl[25] = 6918;
        tonetbl[26] = 692;
        tonetbl[27] = 527;
        tonetbl[28] = 6421;
        tonetbl[29] = 16037;
        tonetbl[30] = 25590;
        tonetbl[31] = 31295;
        tonetbl[32] = 30814;
        tonetbl[33] = 24149;
        tonetbl[34] = 13642;
        tonetbl[35] = 3081;
        tonetbl[36] = -3745;
        tonetbl[37] = -4494;
        tonetbl[38] = 837;
        tonetbl[39] = 9912;
        tonetbl[40] = 18947;
        tonetbl[41] = 24161;
        tonetbl[42] = 23217;
        tonetbl[43] = 16119;
        tonetbl[44] = 5211;
        tonetbl[45] = -5718;
        tonetbl[46] = -12878;
        tonetbl[47] = -13924;
        tonetbl[48] = -8853;
        tonetbl[49] = 0;
        tonetbl[50] = 8853;
        tonetbl[51] = 13924;
        tonetbl[52] = 12878;
        tonetbl[53] = 5718;
        tonetbl[54] = -5211;
        tonetbl[55] = -16119;
        tonetbl[56] = -23217;
        tonetbl[57] = -24161;
        tonetbl[58] = -18947;
        tonetbl[59] = -9912;
        tonetbl[60] = -837;
        tonetbl[61] = 4494;
        tonetbl[62] = 3745;
        tonetbl[63] = -3081;
        tonetbl[64] = -13642;
        tonetbl[65] = -24149;
        tonetbl[66] = -30814;
        tonetbl[67] = -31295;
        tonetbl[68] = -25590;
        tonetbl[69] = -16037;
        tonetbl[70] = -6421;
        tonetbl[71] = -527;
        tonetbl[72] = -692;
        tonetbl[73] = -6918;
        tonetbl[74] = -16863;
        tonetbl[75] = -26741;
        tonetbl[76] = -32767;
        tonetbl[77] = -32601;
        tonetbl[78] = -26244;
        tonetbl[79] = -16037;
        tonetbl[80] = -5767;
        tonetbl[81] = 780;
        tonetbl[82] = 1260;
        tonetbl[83] = -4326;
        tonetbl[84] = -13642;
        tonetbl[85] = -22905;
        tonetbl[86] = -28330;
        tonetbl[87] = -27581;
        tonetbl[88] = -20660;
        tonetbl[89] = -9912;
        tonetbl[90] = 876;
        tonetbl[91] = 7914;
        tonetbl[92] = 8858;
        tonetbl[93] = 3704;
        tonetbl[94] = -5211;
        tonetbl[95] = -14105;
        tonetbl[96] = -19197;
        tonetbl[97] = -18151;
        tonetbl[98] = -10970;
        tonetbl[99] = 0;
    //Assign the output to the value in the lookup table
    //pointed to by toneptr.
    assign dout = tonetbl[toneptr];
    //Increment through the tone lookup table and wrap back
    //to zero when at the end.
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        if(en) begin
            if(toneptr == 7'd99) begin
                toneptr <= 7'd0;
            else begin
                toneptr <= toneptr + 1'b1;

`define FILT_LENGTH 16
module FIR_Filter(
    input  clk,
    input  en,
    input  [15:0]din,
    output [15:0]dout
    reg signed [15:0]coeff[`FILT_LENGTH/2-1:0]; //Filter coefficients.
    reg signed [15:0]delay_line[`FILT_LENGTH-1:0]; //Input delay line.
    wire [31:0]accum; //Accumulator for output filter calculation.    
    integer i; //Initialization integer.
    genvar c;  //Delay line generation variable.
    //Calculate value in the accumulator.
    assign accum = (delay_line[0] + delay_line[15]) * coeff[0] +
                   (delay_line[1] + delay_line[14]) * coeff[1] +
                   (delay_line[2] + delay_line[13]) * coeff[2] +
                   (delay_line[3] + delay_line[12]) * coeff[3] +
                   (delay_line[4] + delay_line[11]) * coeff[4] +
                   (delay_line[5] + delay_line[10]) * coeff[5] +
                   (delay_line[6] + delay_line[9])  * coeff[6] +
                   (delay_line[7] + delay_line[8])  * coeff[7];
    //Assign upper 16-bits to output.
    assign dout = accum[31:16];
    initial begin   
        //Load the filter coefficients.
        coeff[0] = 16'd2552;
        coeff[1] = 16'd4557;
        coeff[2] = 16'd5051;
        coeff[3] = 16'd8006;
        coeff[4] = 16'd9265;
        coeff[5] = 16'd11427;
        coeff[6] = 16'd12396;
        coeff[7] = 16'd13200;
        //Initialize delay line.
        for(i = 0; i < `FILT_LENGTH; i = i+1'b1) begin
            delay_line[i] = 16'd0;
    //Advance the data through the delay line every clock cycle.
        for (c = `FILT_LENGTH-1; c > 0; c = c - 1) begin: inc_delay
            always @(posedge clk) begin
                if(en) delay_line[c] <= delay_line[c-1];
    //Update with input data.
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        if(en) delay_line[0] <= din;

module clk_en(
    input clk,
    output reg en = 1'b0
    reg [15:0]en_counter = 16'h0;
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        if(en_counter == 16'd449) begin
            en_counter <= 16'h0;
            en <= 1'b1;
        else begin
            en_counter <= en_counter + 1'b1;
            en <= 1'b0;

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module lfsr(
    input clk,
    input en,
    input rst,
    output [15:0]lfsr_out
    //Create a 16-bit linear feedback shift register with
    //maximal polynomial x^16 + x^14 + x^13 + x^11 + 1.
    reg [15:0]lfsr = 16'd1;
    wire feedback;
    assign feedback = ((lfsr[15] ^ lfsr[13]) ^ lfsr[12]) ^ lfsr[10];
    assign lfsr_out = lfsr;
    //Update the linear feedback shift register.
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        if(rst) lfsr <= 16'd1;
        else if(en) lfsr <= {lfsr[14:0], feedback};

module TB_LMS_Adapt;
    reg  clk = 1'b0;
    reg  [7:0]sw = 1'b1;
    wire [7:0]JA;
    wire [15:0]d;
    wire [15:0]y;
    wire [15:0]e;
    wire [15:0]n1;
    filter_top uut(.clk(clk), .sw(sw), .JA(JA));
    assign d = uut.fout;
    assign y = uut.aout;
    assign e = uut.err;
    assign n1 = uut.af.n1[0];
    always #5 clk = ~clk;
    initial begin
        //#20000000 sw[0] = 1'b1;
        //#40000 sw[0] = 1'b1;



`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module Block_FIR(
    input  clk,
    input  en,
    input  signed [15:0]x0_in,
    input  signed [15:0]x1_in,
    input  signed [15:0]x2_in,
    input  signed [15:0]x3_in,
    output reg signed [15:0]x0_out = 16'd0,
    output reg signed [15:0]x1_out = 16'd0,
    output reg signed [15:0]x2_out = 16'd0,
    output reg signed [15:0]x3_out = 16'd0,
    output signed [15:0]u0,
    output signed [15:0]u1,
    output signed [15:0]u2,
    output signed [15:0]u3
    //Filter coefficients.
    parameter b0 = 16'd1;
    parameter b1 = 16'd1;
    parameter b2 = 16'd1;
    parameter b3 = 16'd1;
    //Coefficient registers.
    reg signed [15:0]_b0 = b0;
    reg signed [15:0]_b1 = b1;
    reg signed [15:0]_b2 = b2;
    reg signed [15:0]_b3 = b3;
    //Register unit.
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        if(en) begin
            x0_out <= x0_in;
            x1_out <= x1_in;
            x2_out <= x2_in;
            x3_out <= x3_in;
    //Multiplier outputs.
    wire signed [31:0]IPC1_mult0;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC1_mult1;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC1_mult2;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC1_mult3;
    //Adder outputs.
    wire signed [31:0]IPC1_add0;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC1_add1;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC1_out;
    //Multiply inputs with coefficients.
    assign IPC1_mult0  = x3_in * _b0;
    assign IPC1_mult1  = x2_in * _b1;
    assign IPC1_mult2  = x1_in * _b2;
    assign IPC1_mult3  = x0_in * _b3;
    //Add multiplied values together.
    assign IPC1_add0 = IPC1_mult0 + IPC1_mult1;
    assign IPC1_add1 = IPC1_mult2 + IPC1_mult3;
    assign IPC1_out  = IPC1_add0  + IPC1_add1;
    //Assign output.
    assign u3 = IPC1_out[31:16];
    //Multiplier outputs.
    wire signed [31:0]IPC2_mult0;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC2_mult1;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC2_mult2;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC2_mult3;
    //Adder outputs.
    wire signed [31:0]IPC2_add0;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC2_add1;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC2_out;
    //Multiply inputs with coefficients.
    assign IPC2_mult0  = x2_in *  _b0;
    assign IPC2_mult1  = x1_in *  _b1;
    assign IPC2_mult2  = x0_in *  _b2;
    assign IPC2_mult3  = x3_out * _b3;
    //Add multiplied values together.
    assign IPC2_add0 = IPC2_mult0 + IPC2_mult1;
    assign IPC2_add1 = IPC2_mult2 + IPC2_mult3;
    assign IPC2_out  = IPC2_add0  + IPC2_add1;
    //Assign output.
    assign u2 = IPC2_out[31:16];
    //Multiplier outputs.
    wire signed [31:0]IPC3_mult0;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC3_mult1;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC3_mult2;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC3_mult3;
    //Adder outputs.
    wire signed [31:0]IPC3_add0;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC3_add1;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC3_out;
    //Multiply inputs with coefficients.
    assign IPC3_mult0  = x1_in *  _b0;
    assign IPC3_mult1  = x0_in *  _b1;
    assign IPC3_mult2  = x3_out * _b2;
    assign IPC3_mult3  = x2_out * _b3;
    //Add multiplied values together.
    assign IPC3_add0 = IPC3_mult0 + IPC3_mult1;
    assign IPC3_add1 = IPC3_mult2 + IPC3_mult3;
    assign IPC3_out  = IPC3_add0  + IPC3_add1;
    //Assign output.
    assign u1 = IPC3_out[31:16];
    //Multiplier outputs.
    wire signed [31:0]IPC4_mult0;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC4_mult1;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC4_mult2;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC4_mult3;
    //Adder outputs.
    wire signed [31:0]IPC4_add0;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC4_add1;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC4_out;
    //Multiply inputs with coefficients.
    assign IPC4_mult0  = x0_in *  _b0;
    assign IPC4_mult1  = x3_out * _b1;
    assign IPC4_mult2  = x2_out * _b2;
    assign IPC4_mult3  = x1_out * _b3;
    //Add multiplied values together.
    assign IPC4_add0 = IPC4_mult0 + IPC4_mult1;
    assign IPC4_add1 = IPC4_mult2 + IPC4_mult3;
    assign IPC4_out  = IPC4_add0  + IPC4_add1;
    //Assign output.
    assign u0 = IPC4_out[31:16];

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module Block_FIR_Top(
    input  clk,
    input  [7:0]sw,
    output [7:0]JA
    wire clk_100MHz;
    wire clk_25MHz;
    wire en;
    wire signed [15:0]tonegen_out;
    //Data divider outputs.
    wire en_out;
    wire signed [15:0]d0_out;
    wire signed [15:0]d1_out;
    wire signed [15:0]d2_out;
    wire signed [15:0]d3_out;
    //FIR f1 outputs
    wire signed [15:0]f1_x0_out;
    wire signed [15:0]f1_x1_out;
    wire signed [15:0]f1_x2_out;
    wire signed [15:0]f1_x3_out;
    wire signed [15:0]f1_u0;
    wire signed [15:0]f1_u1;
    wire signed [15:0]f1_u2;
    wire signed [15:0]f1_u3;
    //FIR f2 outputs
    wire signed [15:0]f2_x0_out;
    wire signed [15:0]f2_x1_out;
    wire signed [15:0]f2_x2_out;
    wire signed [15:0]f2_x3_out;
    wire signed [15:0]f2_u0;
    wire signed [15:0]f2_u1;
    wire signed [15:0]f2_u2;
    wire signed [15:0]f2_u3;
    //FIR f3 outputs
    wire signed [15:0]f3_x0_out;
    wire signed [15:0]f3_x1_out;
    wire signed [15:0]f3_x2_out;
    wire signed [15:0]f3_x3_out;
    wire signed [15:0]f3_u0;
    wire signed [15:0]f3_u1;
    wire signed [15:0]f3_u2;
    wire signed [15:0]f3_u3;
    //FIR f4 outputs
    wire signed [15:0]f4_x0_out;
    wire signed [15:0]f4_x1_out;
    wire signed [15:0]f4_x2_out;
    wire signed [15:0]f4_x3_out;
    wire signed [15:0]f4_u0;
    wire signed [15:0]f4_u1;
    wire signed [15:0]f4_u2;
    wire signed [15:0]f4_u3;
    //Block filter outputs.
    wire signed [15:0]y0;
    wire signed [15:0]y1;
    wire signed [15:0]y2;
    wire signed [15:0]y3;
    wire [15:0]serial_dout; //Serialized output.
    wire [15:0]mout;        //Selected output.
    assign en = 1'b1;
    clk_wiz_0 cw(.clk_in1(clk), .clk_out1(clk_100MHz), .clk_out2(clk_25MHz));   
    ToneGen tg(.clk(clk_100MHz), .en(en), .dout(tonegen_out));
    Data_Div4 dd(.clk(clk_100MHz), .en(en), .din(tonegen_out), .en_out(en_out),
                 .d0_out(d0_out), .d1_out(d1_out), .d2_out(d2_out), .d3_out(d3_out));
    //Build 16-tap block FIR filter.
    Block_FIR #(.b0(16'd2320), .b1(16'd4143), .b2(16'd4592), .b3(16'd7278))f1(.clk(clk_25MHz), .en(en),
                 .x0_in(d0_out), .x1_in(d1_out), .x2_in(d2_out), .x3_in(d3_out),
                 .x0_out(f1_x0_out), .x1_out(f1_x1_out), .x2_out(f1_x2_out), .x3_out(f1_x3_out),
                 .u0(f1_u0), .u1(f1_u1), .u2(f1_u2), .u3(f1_u3));
    Block_FIR #(.b0(16'd8423), .b1(16'd10389), .b2(16'd11269), .b3(16'd12000))f2(.clk(clk_25MHz), .en(en),
                 .x0_in(f1_x0_out), .x1_in(f1_x1_out), .x2_in(f1_x2_out), .x3_in(f1_x3_out),
                 .x0_out(f2_x0_out), .x1_out(f2_x1_out), .x2_out(f2_x2_out), .x3_out(f2_x3_out),
                 .u0(f2_u0), .u1(f2_u1), .u2(f2_u2), .u3(f2_u3));
    Block_FIR #(.b0(16'd12000), .b1(16'd11269), .b2(16'd10389), .b3(16'd8423))f3(.clk(clk_25MHz), .en(en),
                 .x0_in(f2_x0_out), .x1_in(f2_x1_out), .x2_in(f2_x2_out), .x3_in(f2_x3_out),
                 .x0_out(f3_x0_out), .x1_out(f3_x1_out), .x2_out(f3_x2_out), .x3_out(f3_x3_out),
                 .u0(f3_u0), .u1(f3_u1), .u2(f3_u2), .u3(f3_u3));
    Block_FIR #(.b0(16'd7278), .b1(16'd4592), .b2(16'd4143), .b3(16'd2320))f4(.clk(clk_25MHz), .en(en),
                 .x0_in(f3_x0_out), .x1_in(f3_x1_out), .x2_in(f3_x2_out), .x3_in(f3_x3_out),
                 .x0_out(f4_x0_out), .x1_out(f4_x1_out), .x2_out(f4_x2_out), .x3_out(f4_x3_out),
                 .u0(f4_u0), .u1(f4_u1), .u2(f4_u2), .u3(f4_u3));
    //Add outputs together.
    assign y0 = f1_u0 + f2_u0 + f3_u0 + f4_u0;
    assign y1 = f1_u1 + f2_u1 + f3_u1 + f4_u1;
    assign y2 = f1_u2 + f2_u2 + f3_u2 + f4_u2;
    assign y3 = f1_u3 + f2_u3 + f3_u3 + f4_u3;
    //Serialize the output data.
    Data_Mult4 dm(.clk(clk_100MHz), .en(en), .d0_in(y0), .d1_in(y1), .d2_in(y2), .d3_in(y3), .dout(serial_dout));
    //Choose filtered or unfiltered output based on sw0.
    assign mout = sw[0] ? serial_dout : tonegen_out;
    //Take only the upper 8 bits and make it unsigned.
    //assign JA = mout[15:8] + 8'd128;
    assign {JA[3:0], JA[7:4]} = mout[15:8] + 8'd128;

`timescale 1ns/1ps
module ToneGen(
    input clk,
    input en,
    output [15:0]dout
    //Tone generation data.  At a 44KHz sampling rate, the lookup table
    //generates a 440Hz and 4.4KHz tone mixed together.
    reg [15:0]tonetbl[99:0];
    //Pointer into the tone table.
    reg [6:0]toneptr = 7'h00;
    initial begin
        tonetbl[0] = 10970;
        tonetbl[1] = 18151;
        tonetbl[2] = 19197;
        tonetbl[3] = 14105;
        tonetbl[4] = 5211;
        tonetbl[5] = -3704;
        tonetbl[6] = -8858;
        tonetbl[7] = -7914;
        tonetbl[8] = -876;
        tonetbl[9] = 9912;
        tonetbl[10] = 20660;
        tonetbl[11] = 27581;
        tonetbl[12] = 28330;
        tonetbl[13] = 22905;
        tonetbl[14] = 13642;
        tonetbl[15] = 4326;
        tonetbl[16] = -1260;
        tonetbl[17] = -780;
        tonetbl[18] = 5767;
        tonetbl[19] = 16037;
        tonetbl[20] = 26244;
        tonetbl[21] = 32601;
        tonetbl[22] = 32767;
        tonetbl[23] = 26741;
        tonetbl[24] = 16863;
        tonetbl[25] = 6918;
        tonetbl[26] = 692;
        tonetbl[27] = 527;
        tonetbl[28] = 6421;
        tonetbl[29] = 16037;
        tonetbl[30] = 25590;
        tonetbl[31] = 31295;
        tonetbl[32] = 30814;
        tonetbl[33] = 24149;
        tonetbl[34] = 13642;
        tonetbl[35] = 3081;
        tonetbl[36] = -3745;
        tonetbl[37] = -4494;
        tonetbl[38] = 837;
        tonetbl[39] = 9912;
        tonetbl[40] = 18947;
        tonetbl[41] = 24161;
        tonetbl[42] = 23217;
        tonetbl[43] = 16119;
        tonetbl[44] = 5211;
        tonetbl[45] = -5718;
        tonetbl[46] = -12878;
        tonetbl[47] = -13924;
        tonetbl[48] = -8853;
        tonetbl[49] = 0;
        tonetbl[50] = 8853;
        tonetbl[51] = 13924;
        tonetbl[52] = 12878;
        tonetbl[53] = 5718;
        tonetbl[54] = -5211;
        tonetbl[55] = -16119;
        tonetbl[56] = -23217;
        tonetbl[57] = -24161;
        tonetbl[58] = -18947;
        tonetbl[59] = -9912;
        tonetbl[60] = -837;
        tonetbl[61] = 4494;
        tonetbl[62] = 3745;
        tonetbl[63] = -3081;
        tonetbl[64] = -13642;
        tonetbl[65] = -24149;
        tonetbl[66] = -30814;
        tonetbl[67] = -31295;
        tonetbl[68] = -25590;
        tonetbl[69] = -16037;
        tonetbl[70] = -6421;
        tonetbl[71] = -527;
        tonetbl[72] = -692;
        tonetbl[73] = -6918;
        tonetbl[74] = -16863;
        tonetbl[75] = -26741;
        tonetbl[76] = -32767;
        tonetbl[77] = -32601;
        tonetbl[78] = -26244;
        tonetbl[79] = -16037;
        tonetbl[80] = -5767;
        tonetbl[81] = 780;
        tonetbl[82] = 1260;
        tonetbl[83] = -4326;
        tonetbl[84] = -13642;
        tonetbl[85] = -22905;
        tonetbl[86] = -28330;
        tonetbl[87] = -27581;
        tonetbl[88] = -20660;
        tonetbl[89] = -9912;
        tonetbl[90] = 876;
        tonetbl[91] = 7914;
        tonetbl[92] = 8858;
        tonetbl[93] = 3704;
        tonetbl[94] = -5211;
        tonetbl[95] = -14105;
        tonetbl[96] = -19197;
        tonetbl[97] = -18151;
        tonetbl[98] = -10970;
        tonetbl[99] = 0;
    //Assign the output to the value in the lookup table
    //pointed to by toneptr.
    assign dout = tonetbl[toneptr];
    //Increment through the tone lookup table and wrap back
    //to zero when at the end.
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        if(en) begin
            if(toneptr == 7'd99) begin
                toneptr <= 7'd0;
            else begin
                toneptr <= toneptr + 1'b1;

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module Data_Div4(
    input clk,
    input en,
    input [15:0]din,
    output reg en_out = 1'b0,
    output reg [15:0]d0_out = 16'd0,
    output reg [15:0]d1_out = 16'd0,
    output reg [15:0]d2_out = 16'd0,
    output reg [15:0]d3_out = 16'd0
    reg [1:0]count = 2'd0;
    //Internal registers for holding data.
    reg [15:0]d0 = 16'd0;
    reg [15:0]d1 = 16'd0;
    reg [15:0]d2 = 16'd0;
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        if(en) begin
            count <= count + 1'b1;
            if(count == 2'b00) begin
                d0 <= din;
                en_out <= 1'b0;
            else if(count == 2'b01) begin
                d1 <= din;
                en_out <= 1'b0;
            else if(count == 2'b10) begin
                d2 <= din;
                en_out <= 1'b0;
            else begin
                d0_out <= d0;
                d1_out <= d1;
                d2_out <= d2;
                d3_out <= din;
                en_out <= 1'b1;

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module Data_Mult4(
    input clk,
    input en,
    input [15:0]d0_in,
    input [15:0]d1_in,
    input [15:0]d2_in,
    input [15:0]d3_in,
    output reg [15:0]dout = 16'd0
    reg [1:0]count = 2'd0;
    //Internal registers for holding data.
    reg [15:0]d0 = 16'd0;
    reg [15:0]d1 = 16'd0;
    reg [15:0]d2 = 16'd0;
    reg [15:0]d3 = 16'd0;
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        if(en) begin
            count <= count + 1'b1;
            if(count == 2'b00) begin
                dout <= d0;
            else if(count == 2'b01) begin
                dout <= d1;  
            else if(count == 2'b10) begin
                dout <= d2;
            else begin
                d0 <= d0_in;
                d1 <= d1_in;
                d2 <= d2_in;
                d3 <= d3_in;
                dout <= d3;      

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module Block_FIR_TB;
    reg  clk = 1'b0;
    reg  [7:0]sw = 8'd0;
    wire [7:0]JA;
    Block_FIR_Top uut(.clk(clk), .sw(sw), .JA(JA));
    initial begin
        #50000 sw = 8'd1;
    always #5 clk = ~clk;   


最后也是最复杂的滤波器是Block LMS滤波器。它还具有四个计算模块,一次可以处理四个数据样本,但是它具有一个简单的状态机,可以将其操作分成两个时钟周期。一个时钟周期计算输出值,而另一个时钟周期更新权重。

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module BLMS_Block(
    input clk,      //Filter clock.
    input x_en,     //X registers enable.
    input w_en,     //Weight registers enable.
    input mux_sel,  //MUX selection input.
    input dmux_sel, //DMUX selection input.
    input signed [15:0]xin0, //
    input signed [15:0]xin1, //16-bit Data input.
    input signed [15:0]xin2, //
    input signed [15:0]xin3, //
    input signed [15:0]r0, //
    input signed [15:0]r1, //Weight adjust input.
    input signed [15:0]r2, //
    input signed [15:0]r3, //
    output signed [15:0]u0, //
    output signed [15:0]u1, //u output for calculating y.
    output signed [15:0]u2, //
    output signed [15:0]u3, //
    output reg signed [15:0]xout0 = 16'd0, //
    output reg signed [15:0]xout1 = 16'd0, //Data to cascade
    output reg signed [15:0]xout2 = 16'd0, //to the next block.
    output reg signed [15:0]xout3 = 16'd0  //
    //Filter weights.
    parameter b0 = 16'd0;
    parameter b1 = 16'd0;
    parameter b2 = 16'd0;
    parameter b3 = 16'd0;
    //Weight registers.
    reg signed [15:0]_b0 = b0;
    reg signed [15:0]_b1 = b1;
    reg signed [15:0]_b2 = b2;
    reg signed [15:0]_b3 = b3;
    /*************************Register Unit**************************/
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        if(x_en) begin
            xout0 <= xin0;
            xout1 <= xin1;
            xout2 <= xin2;
            xout3 <= xin3;
    //Multiplier inputs.
    wire signed [15:0]IPC1_mult0_in;
    wire signed [15:0]IPC1_mult1_in;
    wire signed [15:0]IPC1_mult2_in;
    wire signed [15:0]IPC1_mult3_in;
    //Multiplier outputs.
    wire signed [31:0]IPC1_mult0_out;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC1_mult1_out;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC1_mult2_out;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC1_mult3_out;
    //Adder outputs.
    wire signed [31:0]IPC1_add0;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC1_add1;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC1_out;
    //Do multiplications.
    assign IPC1_mult0_out  = xin3 * IPC1_mult0_in;
    assign IPC1_mult1_out  = xin2 * IPC1_mult1_in;
    assign IPC1_mult2_out  = xin1 * IPC1_mult2_in;
    assign IPC1_mult3_out  = xin0 * IPC1_mult3_in;
    //Do additions.
    assign IPC1_add0 = IPC1_mult0_out + IPC1_mult1_out;
    assign IPC1_add1 = IPC1_mult2_out + IPC1_mult3_out;
    assign IPC1_out  = IPC1_add0  + IPC1_add1;
    //Multiplier inputs.
    wire signed [15:0]IPC2_mult0_in;
    wire signed [15:0]IPC2_mult1_in;
    wire signed [15:0]IPC2_mult2_in;
    wire signed [15:0]IPC2_mult3_in;
    //Multiplier outputs.
    wire signed [31:0]IPC2_mult0_out;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC2_mult1_out;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC2_mult2_out;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC2_mult3_out;
    //Adder outputs.
    wire signed [31:0]IPC2_add0;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC2_add1;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC2_out;
    //Do multiplications.
    assign IPC2_mult0_out  = xin2  * IPC2_mult0_in;
    assign IPC2_mult1_out  = xin1  * IPC2_mult1_in;
    assign IPC2_mult2_out  = xin0  * IPC2_mult2_in;
    assign IPC2_mult3_out  = xout3 * IPC2_mult3_in;
    //Do additions.
    assign IPC2_add0 = IPC2_mult0_out + IPC2_mult1_out;
    assign IPC2_add1 = IPC2_mult2_out + IPC2_mult3_out;
    assign IPC2_out  = IPC2_add0  + IPC2_add1;
    //Multiplier inputs.
    wire signed [15:0]IPC3_mult0_in;
    wire signed [15:0]IPC3_mult1_in;
    wire signed [15:0]IPC3_mult2_in;
    wire signed [15:0]IPC3_mult3_in;
    //Multiplier outputs.
    wire signed [31:0]IPC3_mult0_out;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC3_mult1_out;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC3_mult2_out;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC3_mult3_out;
    //Adder outputs.
    wire signed [31:0]IPC3_add0;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC3_add1;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC3_out;
    //Do multiplications.
    assign IPC3_mult0_out  = xin1  * IPC3_mult0_in;
    assign IPC3_mult1_out  = xin0  * IPC3_mult1_in;
    assign IPC3_mult2_out  = xout3 * IPC3_mult2_in;
    assign IPC3_mult3_out  = xout2 * IPC3_mult3_in;
    //Do additions.
    assign IPC3_add0 = IPC3_mult0_out + IPC3_mult1_out;
    assign IPC3_add1 = IPC3_mult2_out + IPC3_mult3_out;
    assign IPC3_out  = IPC3_add0  + IPC3_add1;
    //Multiplier inputs.
    wire signed [15:0]IPC4_mult0_in;
    wire signed [15:0]IPC4_mult1_in;
    wire signed [15:0]IPC4_mult2_in;
    wire signed [15:0]IPC4_mult3_in;
    //Multiplier outputs.
    wire signed [31:0]IPC4_mult0_out;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC4_mult1_out;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC4_mult2_out;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC4_mult3_out;
    //Adder outputs.
    wire signed [31:0]IPC4_add0;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC4_add1;
    wire signed [31:0]IPC4_out;
    //Do multiplications.
    assign IPC4_mult0_out  = xin0  * IPC4_mult0_in;
    assign IPC4_mult1_out  = xout3 * IPC4_mult1_in;
    assign IPC4_mult2_out  = xout2 * IPC4_mult2_in;
    assign IPC4_mult3_out  = xout1 * IPC4_mult3_in;
    //Do additions.
    assign IPC4_add0 = IPC4_mult0_out + IPC4_mult1_out;
    assign IPC4_add1 = IPC4_mult2_out + IPC4_mult3_out;
    assign IPC4_out  = IPC4_add0  + IPC4_add1;
    /***************************DMUX Unit****************************/
    //DMUX outputs.
    wire signed [15:0]dmux1_out0;
    wire signed [15:0]dmux1_out1;   
    wire signed [15:0]dmux2_out0;
    wire signed [15:0]dmux2_out1;
    wire signed [15:0]dmux3_out0;
    wire signed [15:0]dmux3_out1;
    wire signed [15:0]dmux4_out0;
    wire signed [15:0]dmux4_out1;
    //Assign outputs.
    assign dmux1_out0 = dmux_sel ? 16'd0           : IPC1_out[31:16];
    assign dmux1_out1 = dmux_sel ? IPC1_out[31:16] : 16'd0;
    assign dmux2_out0 = dmux_sel ? 16'd0           : IPC2_out[31:16];
    assign dmux2_out1 = dmux_sel ? IPC2_out[31:16] : 16'd0;
    assign dmux3_out0 = dmux_sel ? 16'd0           : IPC3_out[31:16];
    assign dmux3_out1 = dmux_sel ? IPC3_out[31:16] : 16'd0;
    assign dmux4_out0 = dmux_sel ? 16'd0           : IPC4_out[31:16];
    assign dmux4_out1 = dmux_sel ? IPC4_out[31:16] : 16'd0;
    //Assign u values.
    assign u3 = dmux1_out1;
    assign u2 = dmux2_out1;
    assign u1 = dmux3_out1;
    assign u0 = dmux4_out1;
    /****************************WU Unit*****************************/
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        if(w_en) begin
            _b0 <= _b0 + dmux1_out0;
            _b1 <= _b1 + dmux2_out0;
            _b2 <= _b2 + dmux3_out0;
            _b3 <= _b3 + dmux4_out0;
    /****************************MUX Unit****************************/
    //MUX outputs.
    wire signed [15:0]mux0_out;
    wire signed [15:0]mux1_out;
    wire signed [15:0]mux2_out;
    wire signed [15:0]mux3_out;
    //Assign MUX outputs.
    assign mux0_out = mux_sel ? _b0 : r0;
    assign mux1_out = mux_sel ? _b1 : r1;
    assign mux2_out = mux_sel ? _b2 : r2;
    assign mux3_out = mux_sel ? _b3 : r3;
    //Assign MUX outputs to IPC inputs.
    assign IPC1_mult0_in = mux0_out;
    assign IPC2_mult0_in = mux0_out;
    assign IPC3_mult0_in = mux0_out;
    assign IPC4_mult0_in = mux0_out;
    assign IPC1_mult1_in = mux1_out;
    assign IPC2_mult1_in = mux1_out;
    assign IPC3_mult1_in = mux1_out;
    assign IPC4_mult1_in = mux1_out;
    assign IPC1_mult2_in = mux2_out;
    assign IPC2_mult2_in = mux2_out;
    assign IPC3_mult2_in = mux2_out;
    assign IPC4_mult2_in = mux2_out;
    assign IPC1_mult3_in = mux3_out;
    assign IPC2_mult3_in = mux3_out;
    assign IPC3_mult3_in = mux3_out;
    assign IPC4_mult3_in = mux3_out;

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module BLMS_ECU(
    input clk,     //Filter clock.
    input r_en,    //Weight adjust registers enable.
    input signed [15:0]din0, //
    input signed [15:0]din1, //Desired inputs.
    input signed [15:0]din2, //
    input signed [15:0]din3, //
    input signed [15:0]yin0, //
    input signed [15:0]yin1, //From filter output.
    input signed [15:0]yin2, //
    input signed [15:0]yin3, //
    output reg signed [15:0]r0 = 16'd0, //
    output reg signed [15:0]r1 = 16'd0, //Stepped error output.
    output reg signed [15:0]r2 = 16'd0, //
    output reg signed [15:0]r3 = 16'd0  //
    //Adder outputs.
    wire signed [15:0]add_out0;
    wire signed [15:0]add_out1;
    wire signed [15:0]add_out2;
    wire signed [15:0]add_out3;
    //Mu outputs.
    wire signed [31:0]mu0;
    wire signed [31:0]mu1;
    wire signed [31:0]mu2;
    wire signed [31:0]mu3;
    //Assign outputs.
    assign add_out0 = din0 - yin0;
    assign add_out1 = din1 - yin1;
    assign add_out2 = din2 - yin2;
    assign add_out3 = din3 - yin3;
    //Multiply error by mu (hard coded).
    assign mu0 = add_out0 << 15;
    assign mu1 = add_out1 << 15;
    assign mu2 = add_out2 << 15;
    assign mu3 = add_out3 << 15;
    //Update delay registers.
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        if(r_en) begin
            r0 <= mu0[31:16];
            r1 <= mu1[31:16];
            r2 <= mu2[31:16];
            r3 <= mu3[31:16];

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module BLMS_Top(
    input  clk,
    input  [7:0]sw,
    output [7:0]JA
    wire clk_50MHz;
    wire clk_25MHz;
    wire en;
    wire signed [15:0]tonegen_out;    //Output of the tone lookup table.
    wire signed [15:0]fout;           //Output of the FIR filter.
    wire signed [15:0]lfsr_out;       //16-bit Random noise variable.
    wire signed [9:0]rnd;             //10-bit noise.
    wire signed [15:0]tone_and_noise; //Combination of tone and noise.
    wire signed [15:0]serial_dout;    //Serialized output.
    //Selected desired output.
    wire signed [15:0]mout;                               
    //Parallelized desired output.
    wire signed [15:0]dout0;
    wire signed [15:0]dout1;
    wire signed [15:0]dout2;
    wire signed [15:0]dout3;
    //Parallelized input to BLMS filter.
    wire signed [15:0]blms_din0;
    wire signed [15:0]blms_din1;
    wire signed [15:0]blms_din2;
    wire signed [15:0]blms_din3;
    //Stepped error.
    wire signed [15:0]r0;
    wire signed [15:0]r1;
    wire signed [15:0]r2;
    wire signed [15:0]r3;
    //BLMS block1 outputs.
    wire signed [15:0]b1_x0_out;
    wire signed [15:0]b1_x1_out;
    wire signed [15:0]b1_x2_out;
    wire signed [15:0]b1_x3_out;
    wire signed [15:0]b1_u0;
    wire signed [15:0]b1_u1;
    wire signed [15:0]b1_u2;
    wire signed [15:0]b1_u3;
    //BLMS block2 outputs.
    wire signed [15:0]b2_x0_out;
    wire signed [15:0]b2_x1_out;
    wire signed [15:0]b2_x2_out;
    wire signed [15:0]b2_x3_out;
    wire signed [15:0]b2_u0;
    wire signed [15:0]b2_u1;
    wire signed [15:0]b2_u2;
    wire signed [15:0]b2_u3;
    //BLMS block3 outputs.
    wire signed [15:0]b3_x0_out;
    wire signed [15:0]b3_x1_out;
    wire signed [15:0]b3_x2_out;
    wire signed [15:0]b3_x3_out;
    wire signed [15:0]b3_u0;
    wire signed [15:0]b3_u1;
    wire signed [15:0]b3_u2;
    wire signed [15:0]b3_u3;
    //BLMS block4 outputs.
    wire signed [15:0]b4_x0_out;
    wire signed [15:0]b4_x1_out;
    wire signed [15:0]b4_x2_out;
    wire signed [15:0]b4_x3_out;
    wire signed [15:0]b4_u0;
    wire signed [15:0]b4_u1;
    wire signed [15:0]b4_u2;
    wire signed [15:0]b4_u3;
    //BLMS filter outputs.
    wire signed [15:0]y0;
    wire signed [15:0]y1;
    wire signed [15:0]y2;
    wire signed [15:0]y3;
    reg [1:0]en_counter = 2'b00;
    //Generate enable signal for BLMS filter.
    always@(posedge clk_50MHz) begin
        en_counter <= en_counter + 1'b1;
    //Toggle enable signal.
    assign en = (en_counter == 2'b10|| en_counter == 2'b11) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
    //Instantiate clock generator.
    clk_wiz_0 clk_wiz(.clk_in1(clk), .clk_out1(clk_50MHz), .clk_out2(clk_25MHz));
    //Instantiate tone generator.
    ToneGen tg(.clk(clk_50MHz), .en(1'b1), .dout(tonegen_out));
    //Instatiate LFSR for random noise generation.
    lfsr lr(.clk(clk_50MHz), .en(1'b1), .rst(1'b0), .lfsr_out(lfsr_out));
    //Add the random noise to the tone.
    assign rnd = lfsr_out[15:6];
    assign tone_and_noise = tonegen_out + rnd;
    //Instantiate the FIR filter.
    FIR_Filter ff(.clk(clk_50MHz), .en(1'b1), .din(tone_and_noise), .dout(fout));
    //Choose filtered or unfiltered output based on sw0.
    assign mout = sw[0] ? fout : tone_and_noise;
    //Instantiate desired out div 4.
    Data_Div4 d4_fir(.clk(clk_50MHz), .en(1'b1), .din(mout), .d0_out(dout0),
                     .d1_out(dout1), .d2_out(dout2), .d3_out(dout3));
    //Instantiate BLMS filter div 4.
    Data_Div4 d4_blms(.clk(clk_50MHz), .en(1'b1), .din(tone_and_noise), .d0_out(blms_din0),
                      .d1_out(blms_din1), .d2_out(blms_din2), .d3_out(blms_din3));
    //Build 16-tap block FIR filter.
    BLMS_Block b1(.clk(clk_25MHz), .x_en(en), .w_en(en), .mux_sel(~en), .dmux_sel(~en), .xin0(blms_din0),
                  .xin1(blms_din1), .xin2(blms_din2), .xin3(blms_din3), .r0(r0), .r1(r1),
                  .r2(r2), .r3(r3), .u0(b1_u0), .u1(b1_u1), .u2(b1_u2), .u3(b1_u3),
                  .xout0(b1_x0_out), .xout1(b1_x1_out), .xout2(b1_x2_out), .xout3(b1_x3_out));
    BLMS_Block b2(.clk(clk_25MHz), .x_en(en), .w_en(en), .mux_sel(~en), .dmux_sel(~en), .xin0(b1_x0_out),
                  .xin1(b1_x1_out), .xin2(b1_x2_out), .xin3(b1_x3_out), .r0(r0), .r1(r1),
                  .r2(r2), .r3(r3), .u0(b2_u0), .u1(b2_u1), .u2(b2_u2), .u3(b2_u3),
                  .xout0(b2_x0_out), .xout1(b2_x1_out), .xout2(b2_x2_out), .xout3(b2_x3_out));
    BLMS_Block b3(.clk(clk_25MHz), .x_en(en), .w_en(en), .mux_sel(~en), .dmux_sel(~en), .xin0(b2_x0_out),
                  .xin1(b2_x1_out), .xin2(b2_x2_out), .xin3(b2_x3_out), .r0(r0), .r1(r1),
                  .r2(r2), .r3(r3), .u0(b3_u0), .u1(b3_u1), .u2(b3_u2), .u3(b3_u3),
                  .xout0(b3_x0_out), .xout1(b3_x1_out), .xout2(b3_x2_out), .xout3(b3_x3_out));    
    BLMS_Block b4(.clk(clk_25MHz), .x_en(en), .w_en(en), .mux_sel(~en), .dmux_sel(~en), .xin0(b3_x0_out),
                  .xin1(b3_x1_out), .xin2(b3_x2_out), .xin3(b3_x3_out), .r0(r0), .r1(r1),
                  .r2(r2), .r3(r3), .u0(b4_u0), .u1(b4_u1), .u2(b4_u2), .u3(b4_u3),
                  .xout0(b4_x0_out), .xout1(b4_x1_out), .xout2(b4_x2_out), .xout3(b4_x3_out));
    //Add outputs together.
    assign y0 = b1_u0 + b2_u0 + b3_u0 + b4_u0;
    assign y1 = b1_u1 + b2_u1 + b3_u1 + b4_u1;
    assign y2 = b1_u2 + b2_u2 + b3_u2 + b4_u2;
    assign y3 = b1_u3 + b2_u3 + b3_u3 + b4_u3;
    //Instantiate ECU module.
    BLMS_ECU be(.clk(clk_25MHz), .r_en(~en), .din0(dout0), .din1(dout1), .din2(dout2),
                .din3(dout3), .yin0(y0), .yin1(y1), .yin2(y2), .yin3(y3), .r0(r0), .r1(r1),
                .r2(r2), .r3(r3));
    //Serialize the BLMS output.
    Data_Mult4 dm(.clk(clk_50MHz), .en(1'b1), .d0_in(y0), .d1_in(y1), .d2_in(y2), .d3_in(y3), .dout(serial_dout));
    //Take only the upper 8 bits and make it unsigned.
    assign {JA[3:0], JA[7:4]} = serial_dout[15:8] + 8'd128;
    //assign JA[7:0] = serial_dout[15:8] + 8'd128;
    //assign {JA[3:0], JA[7:4]} = sw[7:0];   

`timescale 1ns/1ps
module ToneGen(
    input clk,
    input en,
    output [15:0]dout
    //Tone generation data.  At a 44KHz sampling rate, the lookup table
    //generates a 440Hz and 4.4KHz tone mixed together.
    reg [15:0]tonetbl[99:0];
    //Pointer into the tone table.
    reg [6:0]toneptr = 7'h00;
    initial begin
        tonetbl[0] = 2743;
        tonetbl[1] = 4538;
        tonetbl[2] = 4799;
        tonetbl[3] = 3526;
        tonetbl[4] = 1303;
        tonetbl[5] = -926;
        tonetbl[6] = -2214;
        tonetbl[7] = -1978;
        tonetbl[8] = -219;
        tonetbl[9] = 2478;
        tonetbl[10] = 5165;
        tonetbl[11] = 6895;
        tonetbl[12] = 7083;
        tonetbl[13] = 5726;
        tonetbl[14] = 3411;
        tonetbl[15] = 1082;
        tonetbl[16] = -315;
        tonetbl[17] = -195;
        tonetbl[18] = 1442;
        tonetbl[19] = 4009;
        tonetbl[20] = 6561;
        tonetbl[21] = 8151;
        tonetbl[22] = 8192;
        tonetbl[23] = 6685;
        tonetbl[24] = 4216;
        tonetbl[25] = 1729;
        tonetbl[26] = 173;
        tonetbl[27] = 132;
        tonetbl[28] = 1605;
        tonetbl[29] = 4009;
        tonetbl[30] = 6398;
        tonetbl[31] = 7824;
        tonetbl[32] = 7704;
        tonetbl[33] = 6037;
        tonetbl[34] = 3411;
        tonetbl[35] = 770;
        tonetbl[36] = -936;
        tonetbl[37] = -1124;
        tonetbl[38] = 209;
        tonetbl[39] = 2478;
        tonetbl[40] = 4737;
        tonetbl[41] = 6040;
        tonetbl[42] = 5804;
        tonetbl[43] = 4030;
        tonetbl[44] = 1303;
        tonetbl[45] = -1430;
        tonetbl[46] = -3219;
        tonetbl[47] = -3481;
        tonetbl[48] = -2213;
        tonetbl[49] = 0;
        tonetbl[50] = 2213;
        tonetbl[51] = 3481;
        tonetbl[52] = 3219;
        tonetbl[53] = 1430;
        tonetbl[54] = -1303;
        tonetbl[55] = -4030;
        tonetbl[56] = -5804;
        tonetbl[57] = -6040;
        tonetbl[58] = -4737;
        tonetbl[59] = -2478;
        tonetbl[60] = -209;
        tonetbl[61] = 1124;
        tonetbl[62] = 936;
        tonetbl[63] = -770;
        tonetbl[64] = -3411;
        tonetbl[65] = -6037;
        tonetbl[66] = -7704;
        tonetbl[67] = -7824;
        tonetbl[68] = -6398;
        tonetbl[69] = -4009;
        tonetbl[70] = -1605;
        tonetbl[71] = -132;
        tonetbl[72] = -173;
        tonetbl[73] = -1729;
        tonetbl[74] = -4216;
        tonetbl[75] = -6685;
        tonetbl[76] = -8192;
        tonetbl[77] = -8151;
        tonetbl[78] = -6561;
        tonetbl[79] = -4009;
        tonetbl[80] = -1442;
        tonetbl[81] = 195;
        tonetbl[82] = 315;
        tonetbl[83] = -1082;
        tonetbl[84] = -3411;
        tonetbl[85] = -5726;
        tonetbl[86] = -7083;
        tonetbl[87] = -6895;
        tonetbl[88] = -5165;
        tonetbl[89] = -2478;
        tonetbl[90] = 219;
        tonetbl[91] = 1978;
        tonetbl[92] = 2214;
        tonetbl[93] = 926;
        tonetbl[94] = -1303;
        tonetbl[95] = -3526;
        tonetbl[96] = -4799;
        tonetbl[97] = -4538;
        tonetbl[98] = -2743;
        tonetbl[99] = 0;
    //Assign the output to the value in the lookup table
    //pointed to by toneptr.
    assign dout = tonetbl[toneptr];
    //Increment through the tone lookup table and wrap back
    //to zero when at the end.
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        if(en) begin
            if(toneptr == 7'd99) begin
                toneptr <= 7'd0;
            else begin
                toneptr <= toneptr + 1'b1;

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module Data_Div4(
    input clk,
    input en,
    input [15:0]din,
    output reg en_out = 1'b0,
    output reg [15:0]d0_out = 16'd0,
    output reg [15:0]d1_out = 16'd0,
    output reg [15:0]d2_out = 16'd0,
    output reg [15:0]d3_out = 16'd0
    reg [1:0]count = 2'd0;
    //Internal registers for holding data.
    reg [15:0]d0 = 16'd0;
    reg [15:0]d1 = 16'd0;
    reg [15:0]d2 = 16'd0;
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        if(en) begin
            count <= count + 1'b1;
            if(count == 2'b00) begin
                d0 <= din;
                en_out <= 1'b0;
            else if(count == 2'b01) begin
                d1 <= din;
                en_out <= 1'b0;
            else if(count == 2'b10) begin
                d2 <= din;
                en_out <= 1'b0;
            else begin
                d0_out <= d0;
                d1_out <= d1;
                d2_out <= d2;
                d3_out <= din;
                en_out <= 1'b1;

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module Data_Mult4(
    input clk,
    input en,
    input [15:0]d0_in,
    input [15:0]d1_in,
    input [15:0]d2_in,
    input [15:0]d3_in,
    output reg [15:0]dout = 16'd0
    reg [1:0]count = 2'd0;
    //Internal registers for holding data.
    reg [15:0]d0 = 16'd0;
    reg [15:0]d1 = 16'd0;
    reg [15:0]d2 = 16'd0;
    reg [15:0]d3 = 16'd0;
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        if(en) begin
            count <= count + 1'b1;
            if(count == 2'b00) begin
                d0 <= d0_in;
                d1 <= d1_in;
                d2 <= d2_in;
                d3 <= d3_in;
                dout <= d3;
            else if(count == 2'b01) begin
                dout <= d0;  
            else if(count == 2'b10) begin
                dout <= d1;
            else begin
                dout <= d2;      

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`define FILT_LENGTH 16
module FIR_Filter(
    input  clk,
    input  en,
    input  [15:0]din,
    output [15:0]dout
    reg signed [15:0]coeff[`FILT_LENGTH/2-1:0]; //Filter coefficients.
    reg signed [15:0]delay_line[`FILT_LENGTH-1:0]; //Input delay line.
    wire [31:0]accum; //Accumulator for output filter calculation.    
    integer i; //Initialization integer.
    genvar c;  //Delay line generation variable.
    //Calculate value in the accumulator.
    assign accum = (delay_line[0] + delay_line[15]) * coeff[0] +
                   (delay_line[1] + delay_line[14]) * coeff[1] +
                   (delay_line[2] + delay_line[13]) * coeff[2] +
                   (delay_line[3] + delay_line[12]) * coeff[3] +
                   (delay_line[4] + delay_line[11]) * coeff[4] +
                   (delay_line[5] + delay_line[10]) * coeff[5] +
                   (delay_line[6] + delay_line[9])  * coeff[6] +
                   (delay_line[7] + delay_line[8])  * coeff[7];
    //Assign upper 16-bits to output.
    assign dout = accum[31:16];
    initial begin   
        //Load the filter coefficients.
        coeff[0] = 16'd2552;
        coeff[1] = 16'd4557;
        coeff[2] = 16'd5051;
        coeff[3] = 16'd8006;
        coeff[4] = 16'd9265;
        coeff[5] = 16'd11427;
        coeff[6] = 16'd12396;
        coeff[7] = 16'd13200;
        //Initialize delay line.
        for(i = 0; i < `FILT_LENGTH; i = i+1'b1) begin
            delay_line[i] = 16'd0;
    //Advance the data through the delay line every clock cycle.
        for (c = `FILT_LENGTH-1; c > 0; c = c - 1) begin: inc_delay
            always @(posedge clk) begin
                if(en) delay_line[c] <= delay_line[c-1];
    //Update with input data.
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        if(en) delay_line[0] <= din;

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module lfsr(
    input clk,
    input en,
    input rst,
    output [15:0]lfsr_out
    //Create a 16-bit linear feedback shift register with
    //maximal polynomial x^16 + x^14 + x^13 + x^11 + 1.
    reg [15:0]lfsr = 16'd1;
    wire feedback;
    assign feedback = ((lfsr[15] ^ lfsr[13]) ^ lfsr[12]) ^ lfsr[10];
    assign lfsr_out = lfsr;
    //Update the linear shift feedback register.
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        if(rst) lfsr <= 16'd1;
        else if(en) lfsr <= {lfsr[14:0], feedback};

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module BLMS_TB;
    reg  clk = 1'b0;
    reg  [7:0]sw = 8'd0;
    wire [7:0]JA;
    wire clk_50MHz;
    wire clk_25MHz;
    wire signed [15:0]tone_and_noise;
    wire signed [15:0]fout;
    wire signed [15:0]dout0;
    wire signed [15:0]dout1;
    wire signed [15:0]dout2;
    wire signed [15:0]dout3;
    wire signed [15:0]blms_din0;
    wire signed [15:0]blms_din1;
    wire signed [15:0]blms_din2;
    wire signed [15:0]blms_din3;
    wire en;
    BLMS_Top uut(.clk(clk), .sw(sw), .JA(JA));
    assign clk_50MHz = uut.clk_50MHz;
    assign clk_25MHz = uut.clk_25MHz;
    assign tone_and_noise = uut.tone_and_noise;
    assign fout = uut.fout;
    assign dout0 = uut.dout0;
    assign dout1 = uut.dout1;
    assign dout2 = uut.dout2;
    assign dout3 = uut.dout3;
    assign blms_din0 = uut.blms_din0;
    assign blms_din1 = uut.blms_din1;
    assign blms_din2 = uut.blms_din2;
    assign blms_din3 = uut.blms_din3;
    assign en = uut.en;
    //Generate 100MHz clock.
    always #5 clk = ~clk;
    initial begin
        #500000 sw = 8'd1;