### 可以在线制作Buzz音乐的工具
from machine import Pin, PWM
from math import ceil
tones = {
#Time, Note, Duration, Instrument (onlinesequencer.net schematic format)
#0 D4 8 0;0 D5 8 0;0 G4 8 0;8 C5 2 0;10 B4 2 0;12 G4 2 0;14 F4 1 0;15 G4 17 0;16 D4 8 0;24 C4 8 0
class music:
def __init__(self, songString='0 D4 8 0', looping=True, tempo=3, duty=2512, pin=None, pins=[Pin(0)]):
self.tempo = tempo
self.song = songString
self.looping = looping
self.duty = duty
self.stopped = False
self.timer = -1
self.beat = -1
self.arpnote = 0
self.pwms = []
if (not (pin is None)):
pins = [pin]
i = 0
for pin in pins:
i = i + 1
self.notes = []
self.playingNotes = []
self.playingDurations = []
#Find the end of the song
self.end = 0
splitSong = self.song.split(";")
for note in splitSong:
snote = note.split(" ")
testEnd = round(float(snote[0])) + ceil(float(snote[2]))
if (testEnd > self.end):
self.end = testEnd
#Create empty song structure
while (self.end > len(self.notes)):
#Populate song structure with the notes
for note in splitSong:
snote = note.split(" ")
beat = round(float(snote[0]));
if (self.notes[beat] == None):
self.notes[beat] = []
self.notes[beat].append([snote[1],ceil(float(snote[2]))]) #Note, Duration
#Round up end of song to nearest bar
self.end = ceil(self.end / 8) * 8
def stop(self):
for pwm in self.pwms:
self.stopped = True
def tick(self):
if (not self.stopped):
self.timer = self.timer + 1
if (self.timer % (self.tempo * self.end) == 0 and (not (self.timer == 0))):
if (not self.looping):
return False
self.beat = -1
self.timer = 0
#On Beat
if (self.timer % self.tempo == 0):
self.beat = self.beat + 1
#Remove expired notes from playing list
i = 0
while (i < len(self.playingDurations)):
self.playingDurations[i] = self.playingDurations[i] - 1
if (self.playingDurations[i] <= 0):
i = i + 1
#Add new notes and their durations to the playing list
#Old method runs for every note, slow to process on every beat and causes noticeable delay
ssong = song.split(";")
for note in ssong:
snote = note.split(" ")
if int(snote[0]) == beat:
if (self.beat < len(self.notes)):
if (self.notes[self.beat] != None):
for note in self.notes[self.beat]:
#Only need to run these checks on beats
i = 0
for pwm in self.pwms:
if (i >= len(self.playingNotes)):
#Play note
i = i + 1
#Play arp of all playing notes
if (len(self.playingNotes) > len(self.pwms)):
if (self.arpnote > len(self.playingNotes)-len(self.pwms)):
self.arpnote = 0
self.arpnote = self.arpnote + 1
return True
return False
from buzzer_music import music
from time import sleep
#Example songs
song = '0 A#4 1 1;2 F5 1 1;4 D#5 1 1;8 D5 1 1;11 D5 1 1;6 A#4 1 1;14 D#5 1 1;18 A#4 1 1;20 D#5 1 1;22 A#4 1 1;24 D5 1 1;27 D5 1 1;30 D#5 1 1;32 A#4 1 1;34 F5 1 1;36 D#5 1 1;38 A#4 1 1;40 D5 1 1;43 D5 1 1;46 D#5 1 1;50 A#4 1 1;52 D#5 1 1;54 G5 1 1;56 F5 1 1;59 D#5 1 1;62 F5 1 1;64 A#4 1 1;66 F5 1 1;68 D#5 1 1;70 A#4 1 1;72 D5 1 1;75 D5 1 1;78 D#5 1 1;82 A#4 1 1;84 D#5 1 1;86 A#4 1 1;88 D5 1 1;91 D5 1 1;94 D#5 1 1;96 A#4 1 1;100 D#5 1 1;102 A#4 1 1;104 D5 1 1;107 D5 1 1;110 D#5 1 1;114 A#4 1 1;116 D#5 1 1;118 G5 1 1;120 F5 1 1;123 D#5 1 1;126 F5 1 1;98 F5 1 1'
from machine import Pin
#One buzzer on pin 0
mySong = music(song, pins=[Pin(19)])
#Four buzzers
#mySong = music(song, pins=[Pin(0),Pin(1),Pin(2),Pin(3)])
while True: