Diamond工具是Lattice提供的FPGA设计工具,可以在官网申请为期一年的License,到期可以继续申请。但是需要在官网注册账号,有时候申请会出现这个页面 ?100

运行Diamond弹出窗口,“Diamond can't start because FOUNDRY is missing from your system.Try reinstalling Diamond to fix the problem.”。


ERROR - Failed to Open FTDI USB port. Make sure to select the right cable type. If you have not installed the FTDI Windows USB Driver, follow the instructions in the Programmer Help topic: “Installing/Uninstalling Parallel Port Driver and USB Driver”. If you have installed the driver, if you recently plugged in the cable, please wait a few seconds and try again. This will give the operating system time to recognize the cable.

在下载窗口点击“Detect cable”按钮,出现“No lattice cable detected on any port”窗口,
1 ) 检查小脚丫有没有通过USB线连接到计算机
2 )检查驱动是否正常,查看设备管理器的有没有增加串口设备,如果驱动不正常重新安装驱动
3 )如果驱动也正常,检查USB线是否故障,建议换一根USB连接线试试