· 利用8个单色LED实现不同的LED显示效果
· 通过4个轻触按键控制不同的LED显示模式
· 通过4个拨动开关控制每种显示模式的显示周期
· 在数码管上通过数值显示出相应的模式和周期 - 第一个数码管显示LED的显示模式,第二个数码管显示周期
轻触开关K1 ~ K4,用于切换LED的显示模式:
· K1:循环心跳灯 - 8个LED轮流心跳,每一个LED心跳2个周期(半个周期亮、半个周期灭、半个周期亮、半个周期灭),然后该LED灭掉,下一个LED开始跳动,从第一个LED开始,到第8个LED,然后再从第一个开始,周而复始
· K2:呼吸灯 - 8个LED轮流呼吸,每一个LED呼吸2个周期(半个周期从灭到亮、半个周期从亮到灭、半个周期从灭到亮、半个周期从亮到灭),然后该LED灭掉,下一个LED开始呼吸,从第一个LED开始,到第8个LED,然后再从第一个开始,周而复始
· K3:带渐灭功能的流水灯 - 8个LED构成流动显示的效果,且下面的灯亮度逐渐变暗
· K4:双向渐灭流水灯-两侧点亮的LED同时向对侧移动
代码使用Chisel编写,用GitHub Copilot辅助设计模块,生成Verilog代码在StepFPGA的WebIDE中构建,把构建出的JED下载到FPGA
本作品使用STEP MX02-LPC板载的LED实现不同的显示效果。用户通过板载的拨码开关在1s - 4s之间设置循环周期、通过按钮切换4种显示模式,循环周期和模式在数码管上显示。此外当拨码开关输入不是个有效的周期时,LED将会熄灭,显示周期的数码管将播放一个简易的动画作为提示。
Figure 1作品功能框图 (数字表示位宽)
Figure 2心跳灯模块工作流程
Figure 3呼吸灯模块工作流程
如图3,要实现呼吸灯效果,需要一个PWM模块,该模块比较简单,就不在这画出来了。呼吸灯模块要实现使PWM占空比在前半个周期增加、在后半个周期降低。该模块输入时钟频率是100kHz,即每个时钟周期是10μs,所以要在半个周期里让PWM占空比在0 – 100变化,相邻两次变化的间隔就是
(显示周期 * 10^6)/(2 * 100) =5000*显示周期 (μs)
即 显示周期 * 500个时钟周期。所以当时钟计数器达到该值的时候改变占空比就能实现亮度渐变。此外该模块中包含一个方向寄存器,用于指示当前需要增加还是减小占空比;每当占空比减小到0时就切换到下一个LED点亮。
Figure 4渐灭信号模块工作流程
(显示周期 * 10^6)/8 =125000*显示周期 (μs)
即 显示周期 * 12500个时钟周期。所以每当时钟计数器达到这个数值时就切换到下一个要点亮的LED产生复位信号就彳亍了。在单向模式使用计数器切换下一个要点亮的LED;在双向模式使用状态机切换接下来要点亮的LED。
Figure 5流水灯模块工作流程
代码在Intellij IDEA中使用Chisel编写:
abstract class Blinker extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val period = Input(UInt(2.W)) // 0 ~ 3 for 1 ~ 4 seconds
val out = Output(UInt(8.W))
val realPeriod = Wire(UInt(3.W))
realPeriod := (0.U ## io.period) + 1.U
val clockCnt = RegInit(0.U(20.W)) //register for counting
val currentLed = RegInit(0.U(3.W)) // 3 bit register for current led
class HeartBeat extends Blinker {
private val ledReg = RegInit(0.U(1.W)) // 1 bit register for led
private val firstCycleFinished = RegInit(false.B) // Whether the first cycle is finished
when(clockCnt < realPeriod * 2.U - 1.U) {
clockCnt := clockCnt + 1.U
when(clockCnt === realPeriod - 1.U) { // half period
ledReg := !ledReg
}.otherwise {
clockCnt := 0.U
currentLed := Mux(firstCycleFinished, currentLed + 1.U, currentLed) // Change the current led every 2 cycles
firstCycleFinished := ~firstCycleFinished // Toggle the flag
ledReg := !ledReg
io.out := ledReg << currentLed
class PWMGenerator extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val duty = Input(UInt(7.W)) // 0-100
val pwmOut = Output(Bool())
private val counter = RegInit(0.U(7.W))
counter := counter + 1.U
when(counter >= 100.U) {
counter := 0.U
io.pwmOut := (counter < io.duty)
class Breath extends Blinker {
private val pwmDuty = RegInit(1.U(7.W))
private val increaseDuty = RegInit(true.B) // A flag for duty cycle change direction
private val firstCycleFinished = RegInit(false.B) // Whether the first cycle is finished
when(clockCnt < realPeriod * 500.U - 1.U) { // For duty cycle change, change the duty every 1/200 of the period
clockCnt := clockCnt + 1.U
}.otherwise {
clockCnt := 0.U
pwmDuty := Mux(increaseDuty, pwmDuty + 1.U, pwmDuty - 1.U)
when(pwmDuty === 100.U) {
increaseDuty := false.B
}.elsewhen(pwmDuty === 1.U) {
increaseDuty := true.B
}.elsewhen(pwmDuty === 0.U) {
currentLed := Mux(firstCycleFinished, currentLed + 1.U, currentLed) // Change the current led every 2 cycles
firstCycleFinished := ~firstCycleFinished // Toggle the flag
private val pwmGenerator = Module(new PWMGenerator)
pwmGenerator.clock := clock
pwmGenerator.io.duty := pwmDuty
io.out := pwmGenerator.io.pwmOut << currentLed
class FadeOut extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val realPeriod = Input(UInt(3.W)) // 1 ~ 4 seconds
val out = Output(Bool())
val pwmDuty = RegInit(100.U(7.W))
private val clockCnt = RegInit(0.U(12.W)) // For duty cycle change, the longest switching time is 20ms, which is 2000 clock cycles
when(clockCnt < io.realPeriod * 500.U - 1.U) {
clockCnt := clockCnt + 1.U
}.otherwise { // Change the duty every 1/100 of the period
clockCnt := 0.U
pwmDuty := Mux(pwmDuty > 0.U, pwmDuty - 1.U, 0.U)
private val pwmGen = Module(new PWMGenerator)
pwmGen.io.duty := pwmDuty
io.out := pwmGen.io.pwmOut
class WaterFlow extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val period = Input(UInt(2.W)) // 1 ~ 4 seconds
val bidirectional = Input(Bool())
val out = Output(UInt(8.W))
val realPeriod = Wire(UInt(3.W))
realPeriod := (0.U ## io.period) + 1.U
private val fadeOutMods = List.fill(8)(Module(new FadeOut))
private val syncReg = RegInit(0.U(8.W)) // Synchronize the fade-out signals by resetting them
for (i <- 0 until 8) {
fadeOutMods(i).io.realPeriod := realPeriod
fadeOutMods(i).reset := syncReg(i)
private val toSync = RegInit(false.B) // A flag for synchronization
private val currentLed = RegInit(0.U(3.W)) // 3 bit register for current led in mono-directional mode
private val led2LightUp = RegInit("b10000001".U(8.W)) // 8 bit register for led to be lit in bidirectional mode
private val direction = RegInit(1.B) // 1: inner, 0: outer
private val clockCnt = RegInit(0.U(17.W)) // Each clock cycle is 10us, the longest switching time is 0.5s, which is 50000 clock cycles
when(clockCnt < realPeriod * 12500.U - 1.U) {
clockCnt := clockCnt + 1.U
}.otherwise {
clockCnt := 0.U
toSync := true.B
when(toSync) {
syncReg := Mux(io.bidirectional, led2LightUp, (1.B << currentLed).asUInt)
toSync := false.B
currentLed := currentLed + 1.U
switch(led2LightUp) { // Switch the LEDs with an FSM
is("b10000001".U) {
led2LightUp := "b01000010".U
direction := 1.B
is("b01000010".U) {
led2LightUp := Mux(direction, "b00100100".U, "b10000001".U)
is("b00100100".U) {
led2LightUp := Mux(direction, "b00011000".U, "b01000010".U)
is("b00011000".U) {
led2LightUp := "b00100100".U
direction := 0.B
}.otherwise {
syncReg := 0.U
io.out := Cat(for (led <- fadeOutMods) yield led.io.out)
class SegDecoder extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val data1 = Input(UInt(2.W))
val data2 = Input(UInt(2.W))
val seg1 = Output(UInt(7.W))
val seg2 = Output(UInt(7.W))
// Define the lookup table for the 7-segment display
private val lookupTable = VecInit(
"b0110000".U, // 1
"b1101101".U, // 2
"b1111001".U, // 3
"b0110011".U, // 4
io.seg1 := lookupTable(io.data1)
io.seg2 := lookupTable(io.data2)
class SegDisplayAnimation extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val segAtoF = Output(UInt(6.W))
private val segReg = RegInit(0.U(6.W))
segReg := Mux(segReg <= 1.U, 32.U, segReg >> 1.U)
io.segAtoF := segReg
class LedShow extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val buttons = Input(UInt(4.W)) // For mode selection
val switches = Input(UInt(4.W)) // For speed selection
val leds = Output(UInt(8.W))
val seg1 = Output(UInt(7.W))
val seg2 = Output(UInt(7.W))
val dig = Output(UInt(2.W))
val rgb1 = Output(UInt(3.W))
val rgb2 = Output(UInt(3.W))
private val clock100kHz = Module(new ClockDivider(12e6.toInt, 1e5.toInt)) // 12MHz -> 100kHz
private val clock2Hz = Module(new ClockDivider(1e5.toInt, 2)) // 100kHz -> 2Hz
clock100kHz.clock := clock
clock2Hz.clock := clock100kHz.io.clkOut
private val modeReg = RegInit(0.U(2.W)) // Blinking mode
modeReg :=
Mux(!io.buttons(0), 0.U,
Mux(!io.buttons(1), 1.U,
Mux(!io.buttons(2), 2.U,
Mux(!io.buttons(3), 3.U, modeReg))))
private val blinkPeriod = // Period - 1s
Mux(io.switches(0), 0.U,
Mux(io.switches(1), 1.U,
Mux(io.switches(2), 2.U, 3.U)))
private val periodValid = (io.switches === "b1000".U) || (io.switches === "b0100".U) || (io.switches === "b0010".U) || (io.switches === "b0001".U)
private val segDecoder = Module(new SegDecoder) // 7-segment decoder
private val segAnimation = Module(new SegDisplayAnimation) // PPlay a simple animation when the switches are invalid
segDecoder.io.data1 := modeReg
segDecoder.io.data2 := blinkPeriod
segAnimation.clock := clock2Hz.io.clkOut
io.seg1 := segDecoder.io.seg1 //Showing the mode
io.seg2 := Mux(periodValid, segDecoder.io.seg2, segAnimation.io.segAtoF ## 0.U(1.W)) //Showing the period or animation
io.dig := 0.U // Always enable the displays
private val heartBeatModule = Module(new HeartBeat) // Blinking Mode 0: Heartbeat
heartBeatModule.clock := clock2Hz.io.clkOut
heartBeatModule.io.period := blinkPeriod
heartBeatModule.reset := ~io.buttons(0)
private val breatheModule = Module(new Breath) // Blinking Mode 1: Breathe
breatheModule.clock := clock100kHz.io.clkOut
breatheModule.io.period := blinkPeriod
breatheModule.reset := ~io.buttons(1)
private val waterFlowModule = Module(new WaterFlow) // Blinking Mode 2, 3: Water-flow
waterFlowModule.clock := clock100kHz.io.clkOut
waterFlowModule.io.period := blinkPeriod
waterFlowModule.io.bidirectional := modeReg(0) // Mode 2: Mono-directional, Mode 3: Bidirectional
waterFlowModule.reset := ~io.buttons(2)
private val blinkingModulesOut = VecInit(heartBeatModule.io.out, breatheModule.io.out,
waterFlowModule.io.out, waterFlowModule.io.out)
io.leds := ~Mux(periodValid, blinkingModulesOut(modeReg), 0.U) // Active low, only play it when the switches are valid
// The RGB LEDs are temporarily unused, so just turn them off
private val rgbModule1 = Module(new RGBController)
private val rgbModule2 = Module(new RGBController)
rgbModule1.io.r_val := 0.U
rgbModule1.io.g_val := 0.U
rgbModule1.io.b_val := 0.U
rgbModule2.io.r_val := 0.U
rgbModule2.io.g_val := 0.U
rgbModule2.io.b_val := 0.U
io.rgb1 := ~rgbModule1.io.out // Active low
io.rgb2 := ~rgbModule2.io.out // Active low
object Fuck extends App {
ChiselStage.emitSystemVerilogFile(new LedShow,
firtoolOpts = Array("-disable-all-randomization", "-strip-debug-info", "--split-verilog", "-o=build",
以上是工程的程序入口,在里面调用Chisel的生成Verilog文件方法,添加一些参数来确保生成的代码里面不包含System Verilog特有的语法,因为WebIDE不能正确识别它们。
Figure 18数码管译码器仿真波形
Figure 19心跳灯仿真波形
Figure 20 120分频模块仿真波形(12MHz -> 100kHz)
Figure 21 PWM模块仿真波形
Figure 22呼吸灯仿真波形
Figure 23渐灭模块仿真波形
Figure 24单向流水灯仿真波形(1)
Figure 25单向流水灯仿真波形(2)
Figure 26双向流水灯仿真波形(1)
Figure 27单向流水灯仿真波形(2)
Figure 28逻辑单元使用情况
Figure 29时钟资源使用情况
Figure 30 IO使用情况