always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) begin //最后四位为小数 case(data[3:0]) 4'b0000: unit <= 4'd0; /* 中间省略 */ 4'b1111: unit <= 4'd9; default: unit <= 4'd0; endcase //只处理0-40摄氏度数据 case (data[11:4]) 8'b0 : begin hun = 4'd0; ten = 4'd0; end /* 中间省略 */ 8'b100111: begin hun = 4'd3; ten = 4'd9; end default : begin hun = 4'd0; ten = 4'd0; end endcase end
for a in range(2): for b in range(2): for c in range(2): for d in range(2): print("4'b%d%d%d%d: unit <= 4'd%d;"%(a,b,c,d,(a*0.5+b*0.25+c*0.125+d*0.0625)*10)) for i in range(40): ib = bin(i) print("8'b%s\t: begin hun = 4'd%d; ten = 4'd%d; end" % (ib[2:], i // 10, i % 10))
SSD1306 OLED模块
MAIN:begin if (oled_update) begin if(cnt_main >= 5'd6) cnt_main <= 5'd5; else cnt_main <= cnt_main + 1'b1; end else begin if(cnt_main >= 5'd4) cnt_main <= 5'd4; else cnt_main <= cnt_main + 1'b1; end case(cnt_main)//MAIN状态 5'd0:begin state <= INIT; end 5'd1:begin y_p <= 8'hb0; x_ph <= 8'h10; x_pl <= 8'h00; num <= 5'd16; char <= "Temperature: ";state <= SCAN; end 5'd2:begin y_p <= 8'hb1; x_ph <= 8'h10; x_pl <= 8'h00; num <= 5'd16; char <= "Time: ";state <= SCAN; end 5'd3:begin y_p <= 8'hb2; x_ph <= 8'h10; x_pl <= 8'h00; num <= 5'd16; char <= "This is Line 3 ";state <= SCAN; end 5'd4:begin y_p <= 8'hb3; x_ph <= 8'h10; x_pl <= 8'h00; num <= 5'd16; char <= "This is Line 4 ";state <= SCAN; end 5'd5: begin y_p <= 8'hb0; x_ph <= 8'h16; x_pl <= 8'h00; num <= 5'd 4; char <={4'd0,temp_hun,4'd0,temp_ten,8'd46,4'd0,temp_unit}; state <= SCAN; end 5'd6:begin y_p <= 8'hb1; x_ph <= 8'h15; x_pl <= 8'h00; num <= 5'd 5; char <={4'd0,time_hour_high,4'd0,time_hour_low,8'd58,4'd0,time_min_high,4'd0,time_min_low}; state <= SCAN; end default: state <= IDLE; endcase end
//T=500ms分频 reg clk_500ms; reg [10:0] clk_500ms_cnt; always @(posedge clk_1ms or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) begin clk_500ms_cnt <= 0; end else if (clk_500ms_cnt <= 250) begin clk_500ms_cnt <= clk_500ms_cnt + 1; end else begin clk_500ms_cnt <= 0; clk_500ms <= ~clk_500ms; end end //时间设定 reg [3:0] hour_set_low; reg [3:0] hour_set_high; reg [3:0] min_set_low; reg [3:0] min_set_high; always @(posedge clk_500ms) begin if((hour_a != 0) && (hour_d != 0) && (min_a != 0) && (min_d != 0)) begin hour_set_high = 0; hour_set_low = 0; min_set_high = 0; min_set_low = 0; end else if(hour_a == 0) begin hour_set_high = time_hour_high; hour_set_low = time_hour_low; min_set_high = time_min_high; min_set_low = time_min_low; hour_set_low = hour_set_low + 1; if (hour_set_low == 10) begin hour_set_low = 0; hour_set_high = hour_set_high + 1; end end else if(hour_d == 0) begin hour_set_high = time_hour_high; hour_set_low = time_hour_low; min_set_high = time_min_high; min_set_low = time_min_low; if (hour_set_low != 0) hour_set_low = hour_set_low - 1; else if (hour_set_high != 0) begin hour_set_high = hour_set_high - 1; hour_set_low = 9; end end else if(min_a == 0) begin hour_set_high = time_hour_high; hour_set_low = time_hour_low; min_set_high = time_min_high; min_set_low = time_min_low; min_set_low = min_set_low + 1; if (min_set_low == 10) begin min_set_low = 0; min_set_high = min_set_high + 1; end end else if(min_d == 0) begin hour_set_high = time_hour_high; hour_set_low = time_hour_low; min_set_high = time_min_high; min_set_low = time_min_low; if (min_set_low != 0) min_set_low = min_set_low - 1; else if (min_set_high != 0) begin min_set_high = min_set_high -1; min_set_low = 9; end end if((hour_set_high == 2) && (hour_set_low == 4)) begin hour_set_high = 0; hour_set_low = 0; end if(min_set_high == 6) min_set_high = 0; end
//T=1ms分频 reg clk_1ms; reg [12:0] clk_1ms_cnt; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) begin clk_1ms_cnt <= 0; end else if (clk_1ms_cnt <= 6000) begin clk_1ms_cnt <= clk_1ms_cnt + 1; end else begin clk_1ms_cnt <= 0; clk_1ms <= ~clk_1ms; end end //时间输出 reg [15:0] ms; always @(posedge clk_1ms or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) begin ms = 0; time_min_low = 0; time_min_high = 0; time_hour_low = 0; time_hour_high = 0; end else if ((hour_set_low != 0) || (hour_set_high != 0) || (min_set_low != 0) || (min_set_high != 0)) begin time_hour_high = hour_set_high; time_hour_low = hour_set_low; time_min_high = min_set_high; time_min_low = min_set_low; end else begin if (ms < 60000) ms = ms + 1; else begin ms = 0; time_min_low = time_min_low + 1; if (time_min_low == 10) begin time_min_low = 0; time_min_high = time_min_high + 1; if (time_min_high == 6) begin time_min_high = 0; time_hour_low = time_hour_low + 1; if (time_hour_low == 10) begin time_hour_low = 0; time_hour_high = time_hour_high + 1; end else if ((time_hour_low == 4) && (time_hour_high == 2)) begin time_hour_low = 0; time_hour_high = 0; end end end end end end
module uart_tx( input clk_in, input [3:0] temp_hun, input [3:0] temp_ten, input [3:0] temp_unit, input [3:0] time_hour_high, input [3:0] time_hour_low, input [3:0] time_min_high, input [3:0] time_min_low, output uart_out ); localparam IDLE = 2'b0; localparam SEND = 2'b1; reg uart_out,flag_1,flag_2,state; reg [120:0] uart_data; reg [7:0] tab[9:0]; reg [6:0] i; reg clk_uart; reg[9:0] times; always @(posedge clk_in) begin if(times < 625) times = times+1; else begin clk_uart = ~clk_uart; times = 0; end end reg clk_en; reg [23:0] clk_en_cnt; always @(posedge clk_in) begin if (clk_en_cnt <= 12_000_000) begin clk_en_cnt = clk_en_cnt + 1; end else begin clk_en_cnt = 0; clk_en = ~clk_en; end end /// @note The enter in Windows is \r\n /// while the return in macOS is \n always @(posedge clk_en) begin if ((temp_hun * 10 + temp_ten ) >= 25) begin uart_data = { 1'd1,8'd10,1'd0, //return /* 上报TempAlarm!!,代码省略 */ 1'd1,8'd84,1'd0, //T 1'd1,1'd1 }; end else uart_data = { 1'd1,8'd10,1'd0, //return 1'd1,4'd3,time_min_low,1'd0, //分钟低位 1'd1,4'd3,time_min_high,1'd0, //分钟高位 1'd1,8'd58,1'd0, //: 1'd1,4'd3,time_hour_low,1'd0, //小时低位 1'd1,4'd3,time_hour_high,1'd0, //小时高位 1'd1,8'd32,1'd0, //space 1'd1,8'd67,1'd0, //C 1'd1,4'd3,temp_unit,1'd0, //one tenth 1'd1,8'd46,1'd0, //point 1'd1,4'd3,temp_ten,1'd0, //unit 1'd1,4'd3,temp_hun,1'd0, //ten 1'd1,1'd1 }; flag_1 = ~flag_1; end always @(posedge clk_uart) begin case(state) IDLE: begin if(flag_2 != flag_1) begin flag_2 = flag_1; state = SEND; end end SEND: begin if(i < 122) begin uart_out = uart_data[i]; i = i+1; end else begin i = 0; state = IDLE; end end endcase end endmodule
reg recv_done_d0; reg recv_done_d1; wire recv_done_flag; assign recv_done_flag = (~recv_done_d1) & recv_done_d0; always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) begin if (!sys_rst_n) begin recv_done_d0 <= 1'b0; recv_done_d1 <= 1'b0; end else begin recv_done_d0 <= uart_done; recv_done_d1 <= recv_done_d0; end end reg clk_1s; reg [24:0] clk_1s_cnt; always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) begin if (!sys_rst_n) begin clk_1s <= 0; clk_1s_cnt <= 0; end else if (clk_1s_cnt >= 12_000_000) begin clk_1s_cnt <= 0; clk_1s <= ~clk_1s; end else begin clk_1s_cnt <= clk_1s_cnt + 1; end end reg [4:0] alarm_cnt; reg clk_1s_temp; always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) begin if (!sys_rst_n) begin tone = 0; alarm_cnt = 0; clk_1s_temp = 0; end else begin if (recv_done_flag) begin tone = uart_data; //上位机中需注意此编码 end else if ((time_min_high == 0) && (time_min_low == 0)) begin if (alarm_cnt <= 10) begin if (clk_1s_temp != clk_1s) begin clk_1s_temp = clk_1s; alarm_cnt = alarm_cnt + 1; end if (clk_1s) begin tone = 5'h11; end else begin tone = 0; end end else if (alarm_cnt <= 60)begin tone = 0; if (clk_1s_temp != clk_1s) begin clk_1s_temp = clk_1s; alarm_cnt = alarm_cnt + 1; end end else begin alarm_cnt = 0; end end else begin alarm_cnt = 0; end end end
always@(tone) begin case(tone) //大字组1-7 5'h1:begin time_end =16'd45867; oled_update = 0; end//C3, 5'h2:begin time_end =16'd40863; oled_update = 0; end//D3, 5'h3:begin time_end =16'd36405; oled_update = 0; end//E3, 5'h4:begin time_end =16'd34362; oled_update = 0; end//F3, 5'h5:begin time_end =16'd30613; oled_update = 0; end//G3, 5'h6:begin time_end =16'd27273; oled_update = 0; end//A3, 5'h7:begin time_end =16'd25742; oled_update = 0; end//B3, //小字组11-17 5'h11:begin time_end =16'd22935;oled_update = 0; end//C4, 5'h12:begin time_end =16'd20428;oled_update = 0; end//D4, 5'h13:begin time_end =16'd18203;oled_update = 0; end//E4, 5'h14:begin time_end =16'd17181;oled_update = 0; end//F4, 5'h15:begin time_end =16'd15305;oled_update = 0; end//G4, 5'h16:begin time_end =16'd13635;oled_update = 0; end//A4, 5'h17:begin time_end =16'd12147;oled_update = 0; end//B4, //小字一组21-27 5'h21:begin time_end =16'd11464;oled_update = 0; end//C5, 5'h22:begin time_end =16'd10215;oled_update = 0; end//D5, 5'h23:begin time_end =16'd9100;oled_update = 0; end//E5, 5'h24:begin time_end =16'd8589;oled_update = 0; end//F5, 5'h25:begin time_end =16'd7652;oled_update = 0; end//G5, 5'h26:begin time_end =16'd6817;oled_update = 0; end//A5, 5'h27:begin time_end =16'd6073;oled_update = 0; end//B5, //高过可听范围内频率,计为休止符 5'h28: begin time_end =16'd100;oled_update = 0; end default:begin time_end =16'd100;oled_update = 1; end endcase end
首先是制作音频。我这边使用Logic Pro,选用黄霄雲的星辰大海,使用音悦茶楼扒出来的简谱,简单地制作了一段钢琴谱,并导出成mid文件
import serial import re import time import mido import operator def conv_str_2_dic(str): res = re.search(r'note_(.*) channel=(.*) note=(.*) velocity=(.*) time=(.*)', str) dic = { 'noteType': res.group(1), 'note': int(res.group(3)), 'time': int(res.group(5)) } return dic def conv_note_2_send(note): # 根据全全半全全全半列表 # 大字组 if note == 60: return 1 # 全 elif note == 62: return 2 # 全 elif note == 64: return 3 # 半 elif note == 65: return 4 # 全 elif note == 67: return 5 # 全 elif note == 69: return 6 # 全 elif note == 71: return 7 # 半 # 小字组和小字一组处理类似,代码省略 else: return 0 def play(dic): if dic['noteType'] == 'on': hex_str = bytes.fromhex("%.2d" % conv_note_2_send(dic['note'])) ser.write(hex_str) elif dic['noteType'] == 'off': # bpm=100 八分音符为半拍,时长为1/2/100min = 0.3s 被计作240 故延迟需除以800 time.sleep(dic['time'] / 800) hex_str = bytes.fromhex("28") ser.write(hex_str) def temp_alarm(ser): mid = mido.MidiFile("/Users/kai/Music/GarageBand/星辰大海-副歌.mid") for i, track in enumerate(mid.tracks): for msg in track[7:-1]: play(conv_str_2_dic(str(msg))) hex_str = bytes.fromhex("00") ser.write(hex_str) try: port = "/dev/tty.usbserial-14430" # CH340 baudrate = 9600 ser = serial.Serial(port=port, baudrate=baudrate, timeout=5) while True: read = ser.readline().decode("utf-8") print(read) if operator.eq(read, 'TempAlarm!!\n'): temp_alarm(ser) time.sleep(10) except: print("serial port open failed!")