The TC1221/1222 are CMOS "charge-pump" voltage converters in ultra-small 6-Pin SOT-23A packages. They invert and/or double an input voltage which can range from +1.8V to +5.5V. Conversion efficiency is typically 96%. Switching frequency is 125 kHz for the TC1221, 750KHz for the TC1222. When the shutdown pin is held at a logic low, the device goes into a very low power mode of operation, consuming less than 1mA of supply current. For standard voltage inverter applications, the device requires only two external capacitors. With a few additional components a positive doubler can also be built. All other circuitry, including control, oscillator, power MOSFETs are integrated on-chip. Typical supply currents are 290µA (TC1221) and 1800µA (TC1222). All devices are available in 6-Pin SOT-23A surface mount packages.